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Home Front: Politix
Houston Democratic candidate is accused of racist attacks against HIMSELF in Jussie Smollett-style promotional campaign
[Daily Mail, Where America Gets Its News] A Democratic candidate for a local office position in Texas was arrested last week on charges stemming from a racist attack he allegedly staged against himself.
"If I don't get outta town I'm gonna kill myself!"
Taral Patel, 30, has been running for Fort Bend County Commission Precinct 3 - a local position in the outer suburbs of Houston - since last year.
"One false move and the Hindoo gets it!"
Last September, he wrote a long Facebook post that he paired with a collage of nearly a dozen disparaging posts that attack his race, ethnicity, religion, and political affiliations.
"Go getcher own country, Messican!"
The collage featured comments that appeared to come from accounts that extolled conservative Christian virtues, and railed against immigrants colonists - the names attached to most of the comments are blurred or otherwise obscured in the image.
Posted by:Fred

#4  He Smolletted himself. Classic!
Posted by: Rex Mundi   2024-06-17 13:57  

#3  Charge him with the hate crime against himself. Give him whatever escalators would have applied to a racist and the fraud charges as well.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-17 07:43  

#2  ...Methinks he's watched Blazing Saddles one time too many.

Posted by: MikeKozlowski   2024-06-17 06:53  

#1  Sadly this is the county I live in but it's quite large. He's not in my Precinct or I'd get the pleasure of voting against him.
Posted by: Silentbrick   2024-06-17 06:05  
