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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian General Staff assesses the situation on various fronts
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] Soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces give a worthy rebuff to the Russian occupiers.

Since the beginning of the day, in the Pokrovsky direction, the invaders have attacked the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces 36 times, 25 assaults were unsuccessful, and another 11 attacks are ongoing.

Since the beginning of the day, the number of military clashes along the entire front line has increased to 88, including in the Pokrovsky direction, the invaders attacked the positions of the Defense Forces 36 times. The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced this in an evening report on Sunday, June 16.

It is noted that during the day the enemy is intensively increasing the pace of offensive and assault operations, looking for ways to penetrate the defense and try to dislodge Ukrainian units from occupied lines. Soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces give a worthy rebuff to the invaders, destroying personnel and equipment.

In the Kharkov direction, Russian invaders attacked twice in the Volchansk area. Defense Force units successfully repelled one enemy assault, and another is ongoing. Enemy aircraft from the Russian Belgorod attacked Volchansky Khutors twice with 16 NARs.

In the Kupyansky direction, Ukrainian fighters are holding back the pressure of the Russians near Berestovoy and Stepnaya Novoselovka. There are currently two clashes going on there. The invaders struck the village of Peski-Radkovskie with a controlled aerial bomb, and hit Sinkovka with 16 NARs.

In the Liman direction, during the day the enemy attacked 10 times in the areas of Makeyevka, Nevsky, Druzhelyubovka and Grekovka. He actively uses aviation, in particular, he launched three strikes with six KABs on Druzhelyubovka, and two more strikes, also with six KABs, on Sheykovka. Ukrainian soldiers repulsed three assaults, and seven more clashes continue.

According to preliminary information, the losses of the Russian army in this direction amounted to: 54 infidels, one armored fighting vehicle and ammunition.

In the Pokrovsky direction, the Russians are not slowing down the pace of their offensive. Since the beginning of the day, the enemy has attacked the defensive lines of the Ukrainian defenders 36 times. 25 assaults by the aggressor were unsuccessful, another 11 attacks are ongoing.

Another 10 military clashes took place in the Kurakhovsky direction. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled five enemy attacks. It lasts just as long. Gornyak and Konstantinovka received air strikes from KABs. According to preliminary information, enemy losses in this direction amounted to 56 occupiers and one electronic distribution station.

In the Dnieper direction, the defenders repelled five attacks by the Russians in the Krynok area. The situation is under control. In other areas, the situation has not undergone significant changes.

Let us recall that in early May, Russian troops launched an offensive in the north of the Kharkov region. The occupiers captured about 10 villages, mainly in the “gray zone” and began fighting for the city of Volchansk.

According to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since the beginning of the offensive in the Kharkov direction, the Russian invaders have lost 4,000 military personnel . Russia has not abandoned plans to continue the offensive in the Kharkov region, despite heavy losses.

Posted by:badanov
