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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Current information on the situation on the front line: June 16 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[NewsFront] 23:58 Official summary of the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC from 00:00 06/16/2024 to 00:00 06/17/2024.

A total of 20 facts of armed attacks by the UFU were recorded by the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC over the past 24 hours.
Information has been received about the death of a civilian.

No damage to residential buildings and civil infrastructure was recorded.

A total of 17 artillery attacks in the Donetsk direction.
Two artillery attacks in the Gorlovka direction.
One artillery attack in the Volnovakha direction.
A total of 45 units of various ammunition were fired.

23:31 DPR (region of Konstantinovka settlement):reported about the work of Russian tactical aviation against identified enemy positions. FAB-500 with UPMK was sent to the enemy’s lair.

“It is also reported that our artillerymen and reconnaissance identified and destroyed the enemy UAV control center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the message says.

21:00 Kubanskie artillerymen from the 238th Artillery Brigade, they finished off a damaged enemy tank with precision-guided ammunition from Krasnopol.

19:50 Drone operator 36A destroyed enemy communications antenna UBIQUITI LBE-5AC-23. This amplifier is designed to send a signal over long distances.

18:52 Units of the 18th Combined Arms Army destroyed PVD with enemy personnel on the right bank of the Dnieper.

18:27 Air strike by the VKS with two FAB and two ODAB bombs on a forest plantation where the enemy was sitting -video.

17:57 Naval infantry of the Dnepr group of troops are conducting training on crossing water barriers and landing troops.

The terrain of the upcoming combat operations is specific, there are many narrow channels and islands that do not have a hard surface, so the skills of each fighter must be practiced to the point of automaticity.

Training is conducted in conditions as close to reality as possible. Each soldier carries about 30 kg of cargo, most of which is weapons and ammunition.

16:42 Fighters of the Dnepr group discovered armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Berislavsky region during aerial reconnaissance. The enemy was trying to transport soldiers for rotation. The target was destroyed by Russian UAV operators. As a result, armored vehicles and camouflaged positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed, and enemy losses amounted to more than ten people.

15:55 The Diary of a Paratrooper reports on successes in the Kupyansk direction:

From the side of Kharkhmalny, the Russian Armed Forces are conducting offensive operations towards Peschany and have occupied part of the adjacent forest belt. South of Ol'shany, our fighters knocked out an enemy tank, and in the Stelmakhovka area they hit an enemy UAV crew.

15:27 The work of snipers of the Russian Armed Forces against the enemy in Volchansk -video.

15:10 Kyiv is pulling equipment to the second and third echelons of defense in the Khar'kov direction, this may be part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ preparation for a counter-offensive, told operator of the Lancet UAV with the call sign "Lin".

“We are ready for this and are charged to destroy this equipment and replenish our video range of applications,” he said.

14:49 The 3rd Separate Guards Special Forces Brigade is working north of Ocheretino in the Donetsk sector of the Northern Military District - a detachment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has surrendered -video.

13:56 Summary of the Russian Ministry of Defense on the progress of the military defense in Ukraine (as of 06/16/2024)

Units of the North group of troops improved the situation along the front line. Enemy losses amounted to up to 265 military personnel, two tanks, three cars, a 155mm M198 howitzer made in the USA, a 122mm D-30 howitzer, as well as a Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station. In addition, three ammunition depots were destroyed.

Units of the West group of forces occupied more advantageous positions. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 500 troops, two armored combat vehicles, nine cars, a 122mm D-30 howitzer and three Nota electronic warfare stations in one day.

Units of the “Southern” group of troops improved the situation along the front line. The enemy lost up to 380 military personnel, a Leopard tank made in Germany, two Kozak armored fighting vehicles, 15 vehicles, two 152mm D-20 howitzers, a 152mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer and two 105mm M119 guns made in the USA.

Units of the "Center" group of troops have improved their tactical situation. Enemy losses amounted to up to 375 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, two US-made Humvee and MaxxPro armored combat vehicles, two vehicles, a US-made 155mm M777 howitzer, three 152mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzers, five 122mm D-30 howitzers, as well as a 105mm M119 gun made in the USA.

Units of the Vostok group of troops liberated the village of Zagornoye, Zaporozhye region, and occupied more advantageous positions. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 135 military personnel, an armored combat vehicle, four vehicles, a 155mm AS-90 “Braveheart” self-propelled artillery mount and a 155mm FH-70 howitzer made in Great Britain, as well as two Bukovel-AD electronic warfare stations.

Units of the Dnepr group of troops destroyed up to 90 Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel, two vehicles, a Polish-made 155mm Krab self-propelled artillery mount, a 152mm D-20 gun, two 122mm D-30 howitzers and an 85mm D- gun 44. Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Russian Armed Forces defeated concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 115 regions.

Ten Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by air defense systems.

13:19 Ukrainian Telegram channels report about explosions in occupied Kherson.

12:54 Attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ??the settlement. Glubokoe in the Khar'kov direction was repulsed. The enemy suffered significant losses in manpower and armored vehicles, and there were prisoners.

12:24 Ukrainian troops shelled the Petrovsky district of Donetsk five times in 45 minutes, firing 14 each 155mm rounds, the DPR JCCC reported.

11:51 Air defense units of Ivanovo paratroopers work in the vicinity of Chasov Yar.

Crews of the Verba portable anti-aircraft missile systems protect Russian units from enemy air attack and reconnaissance weapons.

The paratroopers have equipped a network of aerial observation points that allow them to timely detect and destroy enemy unmanned aerial vehicles.

11:00 Local Telegram channels report about explosions in Mirgorod, Poltava region. There is a military airfield near the city.

10:41 Lancet operator told about the “hunt” for rare examples of NATO equipment. Russian kamikaze drones hunt enemy self-propelled artillery, infantry fighting vehicles and tanks. Among the targets hit are also rare examples of foreign weapons - namely multiple launch rocket systems based on the American Hummer pickup truck.

“We were flying on a completely different mission, we just noticed out of the corner of our eye that two MLRS based on the Hammer were being prepared for work. The first one was struck even before work began, and the second one turned away and drove into a forest plantation, and we decided to make such an extreme approach, to go into the bushes. They hit me, and I remember why - they were already preparing to finish him off, but after 15 minutes he began to detonate, launch missiles and eventually burned out,” said the fighter with the call sign “Lun”.

09:57 Units of the Dnepr group of troops in the Kakhovka direction during the day provided control of the island zone of the Dnieper River. Artillery fire prevented the regrouping of enemy troops. They continued to destroy the Ukrainian Armed Forces' watercraft trying to land on the left bank of the Dnieper. They actively destroyed FPV drones, reconnaissance and attack UAVs.

09:45 Soldiers of the North group of troops in the Khar'kov direction traced behind the enemy quadcopter and discovered the location of the UAV crew, which was then covered with artillery.

09:36 Russian troops advanced near Ocheretino - in the area of Novoaleksandrovka and Sokol, writes the Ukrainian channel Deep State.

Thus, the Russian army continues to move toward the important Pokrovsk-Konstantinovka highway.

09:05 Report for the morning of June 16 from military correspondent Evgeny Lisitsyn:

Donetsk direction: Chasov Yar: Fierce fighting in the Kanal microdistrict. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are strengthening their positions.

Nevelskoye: The Russian Armed Forces are knocking out the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the south-eastern part. Intensified fighting helps advance in Krasnogorovka. It was reported that Georgievka came under our control.

Maksimilyanovka: The Russian Armed Forces are caught up in the eastern outskirts.

Karlovka: Fighting on both banks of the reservoir.

Vozdvizhenka: almost liberated. The Russian Armed Forces are aimed at cutting the important Konstantinovka-Pokrovsk highway.

Khar'kov direction:

Volchansk: Promotion in the city center. Heavy fighting in the east.

Peschanoye: the Russian Armed Forces reached the eastern outskirts;

Kupyansk direction: the Russian Armed Forces are advancing to the west of Kharkhmalny, knocking out the enemy from the forest belts;

Zaporozhye direction:

Zagornoye: The Russian Armed Forces are moving towards Mirny.

Malinovka: Attacks on positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the private sector;

Avdeevskoe direction:

N.p. Novoaleksandrovka is almost liberated.

The Russian Armed Forces advanced, coming close to Novoselovka First.

Also, the Telegram channel “Two Majors” writes:

In general, at the front, the Russian Army retains the initiative and forces the enemy to drain reserves and mobilize more and more new citizens into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, the full mobilization potential of Ukraine still amounts to several million bayonets, even if this requires lowering the age limit;

The Russian Armed Forces are conducting offensive operations in the Seversky and Kurakhovsky directions, near Chasov Yar, west of Avdievka, on the Zaporozhye Front.

08:10 Su-34 bombers accompanied by a Su-35s fighter inflicted a strike on the command post and manpower of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the zone of responsibility of the West group of forces.

08:04 The gunner of the T-72B3M tank with the call sign “Bereza” spoke about combat work in the Northern Military District zone -video.

08:01 Enemy reports:

“The Russian Armed Forces came close to the village of Sokol, advanced to Novoaleksandrovka, and that part of the village that was under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine moved into the gray zone. In addition, a gray zone has been added near Georgievka."

Posted by:badanov
