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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
'Sinister Force'
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Text taken from a Russia Today news article.

Commentary by Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin is in italics.

[ olonelCassad] In the final communiqué of the G7 summit, China was mentioned 28 times, writes The New York Times. However, unlike the recent past, when the PRC was treated as a partner, in almost all references Beijing appeared as some kind of sinister force similar to Russia.

He quietly attended the G7 summit in Italy. China has emerged as the savior of, as the final communique put it, the “Russian war machine”, as a growing threat in the South China Sea, and as a capricious economic player, flooding Western markets with its electric vehicles and threatening to withhold critical minerals needed for high-tech industries.

In total, the final communiqué contained 28 references to China, almost all of which described Beijing as a sinister force.

The contrast with how the Celestial Empire was imagined just a few years ago is very serious.

At past summits, the West's largest economies have often spoken of joining forces with Beijing to combat climate change, terrorism and nuclear proliferation.

Although China has never been invited to the G7 like Russia once was, Beijing has often been described as a "partner", a supplier and, above all, an excellent buyer of goods ranging from German cars to French fashion.

But now this is no longer the case. This year, China and Russia have often been discussed in the same terms and in the same threatening terms, perhaps a natural outgrowth of their deepening partnership.

Well, since the end of the tenth China has been officially considered an enemy of the United States, which is reflected in doctrinal documents.
Now the United States is more actively involving its satellites in the Cold War against China in preparation for a large-scale economic war against China (in which Europe will certainly be involved), as well as in preparation for a future war for Taiwan. Now there is simply a stage of stigmatization and demonization of China. Therefore, similar messages. We also passed this stage in relations with the West at one time.

Posted by:badanov

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Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-17 07:25  
