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Government Corruption
Secret Agent Fauci
[AG] Dr. Anthony Fauci, longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), once paid a covert visit to the Central Intelligence Agency. Rep. Brad Westrup, chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, wants to know if Fauci succeeded in gaining CIA support for his contention that the pandemic arose naturally in the wild, what he calls "proximal origin." Sen. Rand Paul, a medical doctor who has called for a criminal investigation of Fauci, outlines the possibilities.

Dr. Fauci may have "convinced the CIA to dishonestly obscure the lab origin of COVID." It is also possible that "the CIA convinced Fauci to obscure the lab origin of COVID." Or, as Paul sees it, "An outside entity or person with unlimited monetary resources convinced Fauci to influence the CIA to obscure the lab origin of COVID." By now that should be obvious to all but the willfully blind. Even the FBI now inclines to the laboratory origin, and the evidence is strong.
CIA needs to be "convinced" to be "dishonestly obscure." Absolutely the most ridiculous of concepts.
Dr. Fauci funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology to conduct gain-of-function research that makes viruses more lethal and transmissible. The WIV, in turn, received shipments of deadly pathogens courtesy of Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, the Chinese national who headed the special pathogens unit at Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory. In 2017 and 2018, Qiu made at least five trips to the Wuhan lab.

The lab origin was obvious to medical scientists such as Dr. Kristian Andersen of Scripps Research. Fauci pressured him into changing his view to the proximal origin theory, which is speculation, not science. Former CDC director Robert Redfield found evidence of a laboratory origin, he got death threats. No word of any investigation by the FBI, and no surprise that the CIA would collaborate with Fauci.

At the request of Antony Blinken and the Biden campaign, the "intelligence community," persuaded some 50 officials, including former CIA boss John Brennan, to say that Hunter Biden’s laptop was "Russian disinformation." According to Rep. Westrup, the agency offered six CIA analysts significant financial incentives to conclude that the result of its investigation was inconclusive.
Some confusion in the above para; Brennan 'is' the Intelligence Community (IC). The clueless Blinken and the WH were provided the script and talking points by the IC.
Those funds could have come from Dr. Fauci, who commanded a budget in the range of $6 billion. As NIAID boss since 1984, Fauci controlled both public health policy and spending on medical research, a huge concentration of power. Consider the experience of Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, an NIH official fired by Fauci for exposing his dangerous drug experiments.
Posted by:Besoeker

#2  Fauci is a turd with an onion like layered skin.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-17 08:26  

#1  Shadow Gov't and Deep State, the common denominator.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-17 06:46  
