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Sanghar camel to get artificial leg
[GEO.TV] After authorities took notice of the gruesome incident wherein a camel's leg was allegedly amputated by a landlord, an official said that the maimed animal would get an artificial leg.

"The camel was shifted to Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
yesterday and will be fitted with an artificial leg," Sanghar Deputy Commissioner Imran ul Hassan Khawaja said, while addressing a presser on Sunday.

The development comes after the police apprehended five people for allegedly cutting the poor animal's leg.

The suspects were presented before a district and sessions court which then approved their four-day remand.

The incident occurred in Sanghar's Mundh Jamrao area on Friday after the camel had entered an agricultural land. In response, the landlord resorted to physical violence.

The landlord, along with his employees, physically tortured the camel as a punishment for entering the land for fodder and even amputated the animal's leg.

The incident's video went viral on social media with thousands of people condemning the brutal action.

Despite the uproar, the police only registered a first information report (FIR) against unknown people, Geo News reported, and not the landlord who was involved in the incident.

Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ijaz later said that the law enforcers have arrested five people in connection with the animal abuse of which two people have confessed to the crime.

...back at the saloon, Butch got the bill for the damage caused by the fist fight, the mirror broken in the shootout, and drinks for everyone......
Sindh Governor Kamran Tessori has announced to give two camels to the person whose animal was hurt.
Posted by:Fred
