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New poll reveals inconvenient truth: Palestinians like and support Hamas
[Jpost] Palestinian pollster Khalil Shikaki released a survey of Palestinian attitudes on Wednesday – the third since October 7 – showing that fully 61% of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza would prefer to see Hamas in control of the Gaza Strip and that support for the terrorist organization far outstrips that of Fatah.

Nevertheless, the headline of a New York Times front page article on Sunday read, “Gazans voice their distress under Hamas.” The online headline to the story was, “As war drags on, Gazans more willing to speak out against Hamas.”

Three days after a prominent Palestinian pollster referred to as such by a senior New York Times writer in November, released a poll indicating one trend among Palestinians, the Times published a front-page article that seemed to contradict those poll findings.

While the poll showed strong support for Hamas among Palestinians, the Times article, based on “interviews with nearly a dozen Gaza in recent months,” portrayed a different narrative of dissatisfaction with Hamas rule in Gaza.The article acknowledged that while gauging public opinion in Gaza is more difficult now even than it was in the past and, in some instances, renders contradictory results, “some recent surveys reflect the weak or mixed support in Gaza for Hamas and its leaders.”
Posted by:Grom the Reflective

#3  Palestinian Authority at risk of collapse, Norway says
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-17 11:04  

#2  Not only all that, but many are protesting/rioting with covered faces, illegal almost everywhere following the KKK nonsense. Soros prosecutors won’t involve themselves against their armed wing, though.
Posted by: trailing wife   2024-06-17 07:08  

Simply put, anyone openly & violently supporting Palestine-Hamas, is clearly supporting Terrorism, Racism and Genocide.

Therefore, are violating HATE SPEECH Laws 18 USC 241, 245 & 249, plus State Laws in many cases also.

They are the real FASCISTS, as they are mimicking National Socialism (Nazi's).


* DOJ/_ _ _ ?, we're waiting on a few 1000 arrests.

* Ivy League Colleges and want-a-be's, we are waiting to see a few 1000 students expelled.

* Supporting F-1000 Companies fines???

Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-17 06:54  
