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Home Front: Politix
Trump allies seek to woo Arab-American voters unhappy with Biden support for Israel
[IsraelTimes] Republican presidential candidate’s outreach campaign headed by his daughter’s father-in-law, Massad Boulos, a Lebanese-born businessman with ties in crucial swing state Michigan

Donald Trump
...The tack in the backside of the Democratic Party...
’s allies are working to win over Arab American voters who are unhappy with US President Joe The Big Guy Biden
Posted by:trailing wife

#6  ^ We have a winner
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-17 18:16  

#5  The Paul Ryan folks will encourage us to be neutral towards Hamas as a way to construct a bigger tent that includes both terrorist folks and others that quietly dislike terrorism. Seems to be working great in Europe.
Let’s just stick to a tent of people that love America and not kiss up to the squad commies. If that loses us the Romneys and Cheneys, we are all the better.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-17 18:14  

#4  to be a muslim is to declare for sharia. a law which rates females less worthy than males. kick them all out.
Posted by: irish rage boy   2024-06-17 16:42  

#3  I see it as a wedge in the Democrat Party faithful, and good as long as it doesn't affect Trump's support for Israel
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-17 10:00  

#2  just need enough flack to persuade some former Biden voters to stay home
Posted by: Lord Garth   2024-06-17 09:19  

#1  The ones who are wooing the Islamic radicals need to go. It’s the same crowd of idiots always.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-17 08:46  
