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On the transition of Western AI systems under the full control of the military
Direct Translation via Google Translate.

Text compiled by Russian military journalist through the Telegram posts of Russian military correspondent @rybar and through other media sources.

[ColonelCassad] The trend of using AI developments for military purposes, which we have identified through projects from Google and Israeli intelligence services, is quickly gaining momentum.

OpenAI executives have appointed a former senior intelligence official USA member of the board of directors. The company said in a statement that it will help protect the company behind ChatGPT from "increasingly sophisticated bad actors."

Retired Army General Paul Nakasone was commander of U.S. Cyber ​​Command and director of the National Security Agency (NSA) before leaving office earlier this year.

He recently joined the board of directors of OpenAI. The company's board of directors is currently being actively reformed after a reshuffle last year.

Recall that the previous board of directors abruptly fired CEO Sam Altman. But Altman provided an excellent cover for major investors such as Elon Musk and Bill Gates, who were behind the creation of the company. Moreover, Altman actively promotes LGBT values. The global elites could not miss such a valuable employee, and a few days after his dismissal, he returned to his duties, and the board of directors was dismissed.

OpenAI's board of directors is technically a non-profit organization, but also manages its rapidly growing business. And so, to restore order in this rainbow company, the NSA leadership decided to send a retired intelligence general.

The consequences of this appointment will undoubtedly be the establishment of total control over all requests in ChatGPT. All users of this chatbot should now clearly understand that they are “casually chatting” with an intelligence general.

All requests are automatically processed by AI to search for suspicious patterns, keywords, connections indicating membership in cultural, ethnic, criminal, or terrorist groups. In the near future, a setup process will be carried out, using approximately the same parameters as in the Lavender system. When the system is ready, it will become one of the most effective tools for introducing social rating.

It is likely that in the near future, in the system of Anglo-Saxon law, text typed in a bot will, if necessary, be recognized as extremist and criminal and/or administrative prosecution be launched on its basis.
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Posted by:badanov

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Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-17 07:39  
