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Security Council President calls for end to Sudan conflict
[SUDANTRIBUNE] The President of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Dennis Francis has called for an immediate stoppage of what he described as the “unprecedented escalation of violence in Sudan”.

The Trinidad and Tobago diplomat, on a visit to South Sudan, expressed his readiness to help build peace and sustainability in war-torn Sudan.

“As President of the General Assembly, my door remains open to help build peace, progress, prosperity, and sustainability for all – here in the Republic of South Sudan, in the wider region, and including in neighboring Sudan where we are witnessing the unprecedented escalation of violence that must stop, now; and indeed, around the world”, he said after meeting President Salva Kiir.

Francis, who has served as his country’s permanent representative to the UN since 2021, said peace remains the only way to end political disputes.

“Here, I must emphasize that there is inspiration to be drawn from Mahatma Gandhi’s apt words of wisdom that: “There is no way to peace. Peace is the way”, he said.

South Sudan’s minister of Foreign Affairs, Ramadan Mohammed Abdallah Goch Ayuel commended Francis’s visit in support of South Sudan’s peace process.
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Posted by:Fred

#2  No worries, EC. Our former president Barack received one for.....doing nothing.
Posted by: Mullah Richard   2024-06-17 11:07  

#1  Man gets Nobel Peace prize for saying that wars are bad.
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