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-Lurid Crime Tales-
Feds Seize Tons of Meth, Cocaine, Fentanyl in May at California Border Crossings
[Breitbart] U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers assigned to the San Diego Field Office seized tons of illicit drugs during May. A single smuggling attempt led to the seizure of more than 11,000 pounds of methamphetamine — the third-largest meth seizure in CBP history.

On May 20, CBP officers assigned to the Otay Mesa Commercial Facility inspected a tractor-trailer carrying squash from Mexico to California. Officers referred the driver, a valid border crossing card holder, to the secondary inspection area.

During the secondary inspection, a non-intrusive scanner detected anomalies, leading to a physical search of the trailer. The search led to the discovery of 1,419 packages containing a substance that tested positive for methamphetamine. Officials valued the 11,469 pounds of methamphetamine at more than $18,000,000.

During May, San Diego Field Office officers seized a total of more than 16,000 pounds of methamphetamine, nearly 562 pounds of fentanyl, nearly 914 pounds of cocaine, 22 pounds of heroin, and more than four pounds of marijuana.

The drugs were found during 145 attempted smuggling incidents, CBP officials stated. The seizures were valued at $38,300,000.

The seizures occurred at the San Ysidro, Otay Mesa, San Diego air and sea ports, Calexico East and West, Tecate, and Andrade Ports of Entry.

The suspects were turned over to ICE Homeland Security Investigations.
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Posted by:Skidmark

#3  Must be….oh, pick any day of the week.
Posted by: Throlush Dark Lord of the Nebraskans2736   2024-06-16 16:37  

#2  I wonder if one of those cartel 'submarines' could stand up to a Coast Guard ramming?
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-16 14:50  

#1  An election is coming. Biden needs to make it look like he's doing something.
Posted by: Bigfoot Chising1641   2024-06-16 11:27  
