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US Navy Finally Takes Action in Yemen Against Houthis, Destroying Their Radar Capabilities
[Red State] The U.S. military, specifically the Navy, has swung into action over the Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen's continued reckless attacks against foreign vessels, after many months of giving them free rein to terrorize whomever they please in the Red Sea.

via the Hill:

The U.S. military is striking radar sites operated by Yemen’s Houthi rebels after a merchant sailor and boat went missing in the Red Sea earlier this week.

U.S. strikes have destroyed seven radars within Houthi territory, the military’s Central Command (CENTCOM) said. The Associated Press reported that the military did not elaborate on how the sites were destroyed and did not immediately respond to questions.

Separately, the U.S. destroyed two drone boats in the Red Sea that held bombs, as well as a drone that was launched above the waterway from the Houthi rebels.

CENTCOM acknowledged that one commercial sailor from the Liberian-flagged and Greek-owned cargo carrier Tutor has been missing since Wednesday, after the Houthis used a drone with a bomb on it to strike the boat.

The crew abandoned ship and were rescued by the USS Philippine Sea and partner forces, but the Tutor remains in the Red Sea and is "taking on water," the agency said, per the AP.

This comes after a mid-May attack by the Houthis on a foreign oil tanker in the Red Sea, just after Biden's folks quietly met with Iran to beg them to get the terrorists to cut it out already.

Posted by:Besoeker

#10  Resource limitations starting to be felt?

Taking out the radars is usually one of the first steps in prepping the battlespace.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-16 15:39  

#9  This was not done several months ago because...?

Somebody had to find the AI backbone switch.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-16 14:51  

#8  Once again, an election is coming up. Gotta look like they're doing something.
Posted by: Nguard   2024-06-16 13:42  

#7  This was not done several months ago because...?
Posted by: Tom   2024-06-16 12:59  

#6  I suppose tactical nukes are out of the question?

The Associated Press reported that the military did not elaborate on how the sites were destroyed and did not immediately respond to questions.
Posted by: EMS Artifact   2024-06-16 11:28  

#5  Killing and piracy, meh.
Cost insurance companies money, You're a dead man.
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-06-16 08:25  

#4  yemen is a distraction. iran is the enemy.occupy chah bahar.
Posted by: irish rage boy   2024-06-16 08:17  

#3  Iran has a satellite. It orbits at about 450 mi. Not sure of its capability.

Posted by: Lord Garth   2024-06-16 07:21  

#2  Nearby Iranian ship ignores distress call of ship attacked by Houthis

Probably the fire directors for the Houthis.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-16 02:38  

#1  This comes after a mid-May attack by the Houthis on a foreign oil tanker in the Red Sea, just after Biden's folks quietly met with Iran to beg them to get the terrorists to cut it out already.

"Begging" now are we ?
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-16 01:32  
