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At [anti-Bibi] protests, coalition implored to reach hostage deal, bashed for not tackling Hezbollah
[IsraelTimes] 12 arrested in Tel Aviv as tens of thousands rally to urge a deal with Hamas, demand elections, decry Haredi draft exemptions, and fume at attacks on the north

Police arrested 12 demonstrators in Tel Aviv on Saturday night at the tail end of hours of protests in support of a hostage deal and against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition’s policies. Tens of thousands demonstrated in Tel Aviv, and numerous protests were held around the country, with some speakers declaring that complete victory over Hamas
..always the voice of sweet reason...
is impossible and therefore the war should be ended to secure the hostages’ release.
Idiots at best, bought and paid for traitors profiting from their Bibi-hate at worst.
The weekly protests took place against the backdrop of deadlocked negotiations on a hostage-ceasefire deal with Hamas, hours after eight IDF troops were killed fighting in southern Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
’s Rafah, and amid government moves toward passing a bill that aims to maintain the broad exemption of Haredi men from military service. Some protesters on Tel Aviv’s Kaplan Street also burned tents to highlight what they saw as government inaction in the face of relentless Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel, while a representative of the hostage families — at a rally held by the Hostages and Missing Families Forum a few blocks away — asserted that Israel will never be able to fully win the war against Hamas.

The protesters on Kaplan Street skirmished with police soon after setting the fires, and there were also skirmishes when demonstrators sought to block the city’s main Ayalon Highway. Police said they arrested 12 people for alleged violations of public order, including blocking roads and demonstrating beyond the permitted time period.

Police were filmed arresting a photographer for the Haaretz daily, Itay Ron, despite passersby telling the officers that he is a journalist. According to Hebrew media reports, he was released an hour later.
Why should journalists be above the law when they misbehave?
Labor MKs Gilad Kariv and Na’ama Lazimi were present at the scene of one arrest, where they were met with jeers from right-wing demonstrators.

National Unity MK Benny Gantz also attended a demonstration, his first since withdrawing his National Unity party from the government last Sunday, at Sha’ar Hanegev near Gaza, calling for the return of the hostages.

Opposition Leader Yair Lapid addressed the anti-government demonstrators on Kaplan, deriding the recent Knesset decision to revive a bill that, if passed, would lower the age of exemption from mandatory service for yeshiva students from 26 to 21.

In Hostages Square, a few blocks away from the Kaplan protest, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum took an unusually critical position towards the Israel-Hamas war, as one of the spokespeople emceeing its weekly rally told the crowd that Israel will never achieve Netanyahu’s promised total victory against Hamas.

"We all know the heavy losses that the Americans had in Vietnam and even the Germans did not snuff out the partisans," Rami Beja told the thousands who gathered in Hostages Square. "Hamas are like cockroaches: spray pesticides on them and they will keep returning. We need to strike them, but don’t tell me we can win. You can’t win here entirely."

In a recorded message, rescue hostage Andrey Kozlov said he and the other three hostages rescued by Israeli troops from Hamas on June 8 saw images from weekly rallies for their return while in captivity.

"Nearly every Saturday night they showed us rallies from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. I didn’t count how many people were there but we saw many," Kozlov said. "I remember how Almog [Meir Jan] saw his picture for the first time [on a poster at the rally] and it was like a breath of fresh air for him. You put in so much effort and time into getting us back home and it gave me hope. You are heroes."

He called on the government to "make a deal" with Hamas, which is demanding a permanent ceasefire, among other demands, as a prerequisite for returning the 120 hostages still held in Gaza, many of whom are not alive.

Earlier on Saturday evening, a number of hostage families demanding an end to the war as part of a hostage deal addressed the media at their routine spot near the Begin Gate of the IDF’s Kirya Headquarters, voicing similar sentiments.

By contrast on Saturday evening, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich called for a continuation of the fighting in Gaza after the eight soldiers were killed in Rafah, stating that "we are in a war for our existence."

In Jerusalem, in light of the late ending of the Sabbath, the Jerusalem branch of the Hostages and Missing Families Forum split the stage with the anti-government protest group "Safeguarding our Shared Home," resulting in one large, unified protest in Gay Paree Square, calling for both a hostage deal and the toppling of Netanyahu’s government.

Tom Barkai, an organizer with the Jerusalem Hostages and Missing Families Forum, accused Netanyahu of torpedoing a prospective hostage deal.

The protest dispersed peacefully in Jerusalem.
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Posted by:trailing wife

#4  CBS 2nd estimation: Israel's GDP grows 14.4% in Q1 2024
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#3  ^But now, police responds.
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#2  Protesters block major highways and interchanges in call for early elections
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#1  Anti-Bibi's (Globalists' suckers) and their excuses.
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