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Africa Horn
Explosion Claims Lives of Somali Army Commander and Soldiers in Southwest state
[SHABELLEMEDIA] A tragic incident unfolded in the border regions of Bay and Bakool in southern Somalia, as a devastating explosion claimed the lives of the commander of the 8th battalion of the 60th CXDS division and several other soldiers.

The explosion took place while the officers and soldiers were responding to a call for support from government forces engaged in operations in the area. The incident occurred near the border between the two regions, highlighting the ongoing security challenges faced by Somali forces in this volatile area.

Local sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation, revealed that the blast was believed to have been caused by a mine planted by holy warriors. This tactic has been frequently used by groups opposing government forces in the region, aiming to disrupt military operations and spread fear among the local population.

The South West administration has yet to issue an official statement regarding the incident, leaving many questions unanswered about the circumstances surrounding the earth-shattering kaboom and the steps being taken to address the security situation in the area.

This incident comes amidst ongoing efforts by the Somali government to strengthen security in the country and combat the presence of holy warrior groups. The loss of a high-ranking military officer and other soldiers is a significant blow to the Somali National Army and underscores the challenges faced in maintaining stability and security in the region.

As the investigation into the earth-shattering kaboom continues, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the persistent threat posed by holy warrior groups and the ongoing need for vigilance and cooperation in the fight against terrorism in Somalia.
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Posted by:Fred
