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Africa Horn
RSF downplays loss of key commander, vows to continue fighting in Sudan
Follow up to yesterday’s report of his death.
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
ese army announced Friday the death of Ali Yaqoub,
… more fully Ali Yagoub Gibril …
the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) Operations Commander in North Darfur, during an attack on El Fasher. The RSF downplayed the loss, asserting that his death would not affect their morale or determination to fight.

Joint forces in the Darfur region published photos and videos of Yaqoub’s body, which the Sudanese army later transported to their headquarters. Also, El Fasher residents celebrated the death of the RSF figure.

Yaqoub, who commanded the Central Darfur sector, was a close associate of RSF leader Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo. He led numerous military operations throughout Darfur, particularly in the absence of the RSF’s second-in-command, Abdel Rahim Daglo.

The high-ranking RSF commander’s death occurred less than 24 hours after the UN Security Council resolution demanding that the RSF end its siege on El Fasher, cease fighting, and de-escalate tensions in the city and surrounding areas.

Sudanese Armed Forces front man Nabil Abdallah, in a statement received by Sudan Tribune, said, "The army and joint forces thwarted an attack by the RSF this morning, inflicting heavy losses, including hundreds of dead and maimed, among them their criminal commander Ali Yaqoub."

Abdallah emphasized that the attack on El Fasher directly challenged the recent UN Security Council call for a cessation of hostilities and the lifting of the siege on the historic capital of Darfur.

A field commander within the Joint Force of Darfur gangs informed Sudan Tribune that their troops eliminated Yaqoub and his lover companions as they attempted to infiltrate El Fasher from the south with a large force comprising vehicles, cycle of violences, and infantry.

He stated that their forces engaged in a fierce battle with the attacking force near the livestock market, one of the largest markets in El Fasher, and neutralized the entire group.

The commander further revealed that Yaqoub had addressed his forces the day before, declaring their intention to pray Friday prayers at the Khatim al-Anbiya Mosque in the North Darfur capital and overrun joint forces’ positions at the livestock market and its surroundings.
Ali Yaqoub 04/16/2024 RSF seizes control of strategic North Darfur town, Mellit

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Ali Yagoub Gibril 06/15/2024 Sudan’s army says that they have killed the central commander of Darfur of the Sudanese paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), Ali Yagoub Gibril
Ali Yagoub Gibril 05/16/2024 U.S. sanctions RSF commanders over civilian deaths in Darfur

Posted by:Fred
