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Islamic Jihad says only way to free Israel hostages is Gaza withdrawal, prisoner deal
[GEO.TV] The armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad said on Saturday the only way to return Israeli hostages is through Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, ending its attacks and reaching a deal for exchanging Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

‘No one has any idea’ how many hostages are still alive, Hamas official says

[IsraelTimes] Hamas politburo member in Beirut Osama Hamdan denies rescued hostages were subjected to abuse in Gaza; claims WSJ report that Sinwar praised Gazan civilian deaths is ‘fake message’

“No one has any idea" how many of the 116 remaining hostages in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
who were kidnapped from Israel on October 7 are still alive, senior Hamas
..always the voice of sweet reason...
official Osama Hamdan told CNN
...formerly the Cable News Network, now who know what it might stand for...
on Thursday.

"I don’t have any idea about that. No one has any idea about this," he said, while denying that the four hostages rescued by Israeli forces last weekend had been abused during their more than eight months in the terror group’s captivity.

"I believe if they have mental problems, this is because of what Israel has done in Gaza," Hamdan told CNN in Beirut, upon being pressed on the testimony of a doctor who treated the rescued Israelis and said they were beaten "almost every day" and suffered from malnutrition.

The status of the remaining hostages is a key topic in negotiations for a potential deal between Israel and the terror group, which triggered the war on October 7, when thousands of faceless myrmidons poured into southern Israel from Gaza, killing 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking 251 hostages.

Hamas has refused to provide a list of the hostages still living, and has only sporadically provided signs of life for some captives, mainly in the service of propaganda.

As part of a potential deal, Israeli negotiators have demanded that living hostages be released before dead bodies, while Hamas negotiators have sought deals that would allow them to release an indeterminate number of bodies in place of living captives.
Osama Hamdan 06/13/2024 Hamas says it has shown “full positivity” in efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement
Osama Hamdan 06/06/2024 Hamas says 'will agree to deal with permanent ceasefire, Israeli withdrawal'

Osama Hamdan 06/05/2024 Hamas says 'will agree to deal with permanent ceasefire, Israeli withdrawal'

Posted by:Fred

#3  The IDF has, per the USA diktat, going slow in Rafah.

This began about 25 May and should have been over already. However, only about 30% or so of Rafah has been cleared. The slow go is resulting in more IDF deaths.
Posted by: Lord Garth   2024-06-16 08:45  

#2  Worse:

Hamas leader: group's response to Gaza ceasefire aligns with Biden's plan

Hamas is "ready for a comprehensive deal which entails a ceasefire, withdrawal from the Strip, the reconstruction of what was destroyed, and a comprehensive swap deal"
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-16 06:30  

#1  In short, give in to kidnapers' demands. And wait for a repeat.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-16 03:02  
