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“David’s Sling” Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Interceptor Downs “Unknown Aerial Projectile” coming from the Northeast

… Airspace. At the same time, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq claimed to have launched an Advanced Version of the Iranian “Al-Arqab” Long-Range Cruise Missile at the City of Haifa in Northwestern Israel.
That sounds like it didn’t get anywhere near Haifa, or even Israel.
David’s Sling 05/12/2024 Who are Israel's key weapons suppliers, and who has halted exports since Oct. 7?
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Islamic Resistance in Iraq: 2024-06-13 Yemen’s Houthis say they have carried out two military operations along with Islamic Resistance in Iraq, targeting two targets in Israel’s Ashdod and Haifa
Islamic Resistance in Iraq: 2024-05-26 IAF fighter jets down three drones launched at Israel by Iran-backed Iraqi militia
Islamic Resistance in Iraq: 2024-05-03 Iraq militants fire cruise missiles on Tel Aviv: source
Posted by:Fred

#1  unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs)
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-16 11:20  
