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Good Morning

Trust in British Political System
Falls to Record Low (why does this sound familiar)
Saturday 06/15/2024

ISIS kills 19 regime soldiers in Syria
Wednesday amid combing operation, 2 more toes up Tuesday
SDF announces capture of 2 ISIS members in east Syria
Repeated attacks on KFC and Caterpillar
in Baghdad lead to gov%u2019t denial the PMF dunnit
Africa North
Foreign Workers Injured in Libyan Capital Explosion
Africa North
5,000 Bodies Discovered in Libya%u2019s Derna
Africa North
Libyan businessman Abdulmajeed Mlaigta
survives assassination attempt in Tripoli
Telehealth executives accused of $100m Adderall scheme

Posted by:Fred

#2  One of my all time favorites.
Posted by: Abu Uluque   2024-06-15 12:22  

#1  She danced with Fred Astaire as a partner, doing it backwards and in heels. Who's the better dancer.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-15 07:54  
