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Repeated attacks on KFC and Caterpillar in Baghdad lead to gov’t denial the PMF dunnit
If not the PMF, then definitely some other Iran sock puppets…
Iraq denies Hashd al-Shaabi behind attacks on KFC in Baghdad
[Rudaw] Iraq’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday that the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF, or Hashd al-Shaabi) were not behind the recent attacks on several KFC franchises in Baghdad, days after Washington accused the group of engaging in violent mostly peaceful activities.

"The attacks that took place on some restaurants were carried out by outlaw groups and do not in any way represent Hash al-Shaabi," the Iraqi foreign ministry said in a statement without mentioning the names of the restaurants.

US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told Rudaw in a press briefing on Thursday that "We do remain concerned that individuals within the PMF are not responsive to the Iraqi commander in chief and engage in violent mostly peaceful and destabilizing activities in Iraq and Syria."

The Iraqi ministry described Miller’s remarks as "inaccurate information."

American and British companies in Baghdad, including KFC and Caterpillar, have been the target of a series of attacks in recent days, and have been subject to boycott calls over their alleged links to Israel.

Security forces have arrested several people, including their own members in relation to the attacks.

The US embassy recently warned that attacks on foreign businesses in Baghdad "could weaken Iraq’s ability to attract foreign investment," and condemned the attacks.

Iraq is a staunch supporter of the Paleostinian cause and has on several occasions condemned the lack of global support for justice for Paleostinians.

Iraq arrests new batch of foreign business attackers in Baghdad
[Rudaw] Iraq’s interior ministry on Wednesday announced the arrest of a new batch of assailants who targeted American and foreign businesses in Baghdad, adding that security services are pursuing the remaining suspects.

“The security services in the Ministry of Interior through qualitative operations arrested a new group of defendants in incidents of attacks and vandalism that affected KFC restaurants and foreign businesses in various areas,” the ministry said in a statement.

Iraq arrests assailants of American businesses in Baghdad
[Rudaw] Iraq’s interior ministry on Tuesday announced the arrest of a number of assailants who targeted American and foreign businesses in Baghdad, adding that several attackers belong to the security forces.

American and British companies in Baghdad, including KFC and Caterpillar, have been the target of a series of attacks in recent days, and have been subject to boycott calls over their alleged links to Israel.

“After collecting accurate information, the names and places of work and residence of the perpetrators were determined and an arrest warrant was issued by the investigative judge,” said an Iraqi interior ministry statement.

The suspects were arrested under Article Four of the Anti-Terrorism law, the statement said.

According to Article Four of the 2005 Counter-Terrorism Law, anyone found guilty of committing a terror offense is given a death sentence, with life imprisonment given to those who assist or hide those convicted of terrorism.

The attacks resulted in material damage but no injuries.
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Posted by:trailing wife

Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-15 20:43  
