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U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) has Suspended their Operations on the U.S. Army's Temporary-Floating Pier
Punishing America for pretending to support Israel? Surely they aren’t punishing Hamas for taking and brutalizing hostages!
Posted by:Fred

#4  Roughly $400 million later, after AFRICOM acknowledged that apparently all of the aid that passed over the pier was stolen by Hamas, it was announced that "The UN World Food Programme has suspended the delivery of aid to Gaza via a temporary US military pier in order to assess the security situation, a spokesperson said Monday". and the pier has been moved to secure it from more weather-related waves.

If you were trying to write a mocking story about the the risible cluelessness of the policy children. Classic Bidet Administration photo-op joke!
Posted by: NoMoreBS   2024-06-15 16:31  

#3  US preparing to temporarily remove Gaza pier due to sea conditions, official says
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-15 09:31  

#2  Good. Now that the pictures have been taken, can we take apart the tinkertoy and go home?
An once back home, let's be thinking about doing it better. In a war (what it was supposedly design for) it would have been a sick joke.
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-06-15 08:53  

#1  US humanitarian aid pier in Gaza shuts down days after starting operating again
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-15 04:02  
