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Fifth Column
Cal State LA Protesters Seize Building With President and Employees Trapped Inside
[Red State] Cal State Los Angeles protesters have been occupying an area of the campus for more than a month, agitating over the war in Gaza.

But on Wednesday, they escalated their actions immensely when they seized the Student Services building with employees, including the president of the university, stuck still inside.

Posted by:Frank G

#5  I hope they all laughed when Riley Gaines was held hostage.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-13 15:58  

#4  So will we see arrests for Hostage taking and Kidnapping made?

AP extra credit PolySci summer sessions.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-13 14:53  

#3  If Reagan were governor,I think he would send in the National Guard. Governor Hairgel is likely to join the protestors. If he bothers to do anything.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia   2024-06-13 13:19  


So will we see arrests for Hostage taking and Kidnapping made?

Because who will do it?
Not the Local or State LEO's and surely not the liberalized O'Biden controlled DOJ.
Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-13 13:14  

#1  That should be fun.
Posted by: Abu Uluque   2024-06-13 13:00  
