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Boat capsizes near Yemen: At least 49 dead, 140 others missing
[GEO.TV] The UN migration agency said on Tuesday that over 49 migrants colonists have bit the dust and 140 others went missing after their boat overturned off the coast of Yemen area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
."Hey, y'all! Don't everybody stand on one side like that!"
A statement from the International Organisation of Migration (IOM) revealed that the ship left Somalia with 260 migrants colonists on board including Somalis and Æthiopians.
"Ands quit rockin' the boat! That's dangerous, y'know!"
The mishap occurred on Monday near Alghareef Point in the Shabwah governorate of Yemen. The dear departed include 31 women and six children, according to IOM.
"I'm warning youse!"
"This recent tragedy is another reminder of the urgent need to work together to address urgent migration challenges and ensure the safety and security of migrants colonists along migration routes," said Mohammedali Abunajela, a spokesperson for IOM.
"Yer gonna tip us over!"
According to IOM, they have recorded 1,860 migrant deaths and disappearances along the route running from East Africa and the Horn of Africa to Gulf countries since 2014. Out of these, nearly 500 bit the dust due to drowning.
"We're all gonna be shark bait!"
IOM said that the migration route in question is the most dangerous in the world.
"Often relying on smugglers to navigate the journey, migrants colonists are frequently at an increased risk, including of human trafficking, during the perilous boat journey to Yemen's shores," it said.
"Toldja so!"
The United Nations
...boodling on the grand scale...
said that approximately 97,000 migrants colonists reached Yemen from the Horn of Africa last year.
Posted by:Fred

#1  Activists, fearing Elasmobranchiphobic backlash from imaginary attacks, thrash furiously, snap gaping jaws.
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-13 03:20  
