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Police in Sweden have arrested two people over an incident in which gunshots were fired outside the Israeli embassy in Stockholm

Police in Sweden have arrested two people over an incident in which gunshots were fired outside the Israeli embassy in Stockholm in mid-May, a prosecutor said Wednesday. The incident prompted the country to boost security measures around Israeli interests and Jewish community institutions.

“Two people have been arrested suspected of aiding and abetting an aggravated weapons offense,” prosecutor Rasmus Oman told AFP.

Oman said he could not comment on the ages or genders of the suspects, who face questioning before a decision is made on whether to remand them in custody.

Another person had previously been arrested suspected of the same crime, but was then released.

Oman said that a 14-year-old boy was believed to have fired the weapon, but since he was under the age of criminal responsibility in Sweden he was not formally suspected of any crime.
So we can assume the other two are not 14 year old boys…
Since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war in October 2023, several incidents apparently targeting Israeli interests in Sweden have been reported.

In February, police found a grenade on the grounds of the Israeli embassy compound, which the ambassador said was an attempted attack.

Last week, police said they had found a “suspected explosive object” outside the offices of Israeli military technology firm Elbit Systems, known for its unmanned aerial systems, in Sweden’s second-largest city Gothenburg.

The Scandinavian country’s intelligence agency Sapo said in late May that Iran was recruiting members of Swedish criminal gangs to commit “acts of violence” against Israeli and other interests in Sweden -- a claim Iran denied.

The Nordic country has also reported an increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes since the war in Gaza started.
Posted by:Fred
