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Fifth Column
A New York City travel warning for Jews
[American Thinker] It is time for Jews to avoid visiting or traveling to the City of New York if they aren’t from the area. Do not visit -- and those who must should do so with absolute caution. Jews in NYC are scared and intimidated and do not feel safe.

Consider this a travel warning for Jews to avoid New York City.

Jews are beaten and intimidated daily in New York City with impunity. Jews change their names on ride-share apps, so they won’t be recognized as Jews, many have taken down their mezuzahs and hide Stars of David as Mayor Eric Adams and Governor Kathy Hochul have turned a blind eye.

Simply, New York Jews are scared and unprotected.

This past Monday took the cake in terms of creating an unsafe environment. Pro Hamas demonstrators chanted "Long live the Intifada" while holding signs reading "Long live October 7th," violently setting off smoke bombs in front of the exhibit that memorializes the murder and rape victims of the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival. While carrying a flag of Hezb’allah, an illegal terrorist organization, this violent mob with covered faces, lighting flares and fires, taunted survivors of the October 7th massacre and yelled "Resistance is Justified." Jews were locked inside a building by the NYPD to "protect" them.

Make no mistake -- what happened last night is the equivalent of a pro-Al Qaeda riot occurring outside the 9/11 memorial, or even occurring outside "the pile" eight months after the towers fell. That would not have been condoned. KKK marches in the middle of black areas would not be permitted.

What would the reaction of the mayor and governor be if blacks were locked inside a building due to a violent white mob?

The NYPD watched and did nothing. Mayor Adams makes speeches about bringing home the hostages -- something he has zero control over -- and leaves Jews in the streets of NYC in danger. Mr. Mayor, we don’t care about your speeches about bringing home the hostages -- we want you to protect the Jews in NYC.

We are not safe.

On a daily basis, masked pro-Hamas protestors block the streets and intimidate Jews and Americans. Nearly every day we see Jews being beaten with no comeback.

As Columbia Professor Shai Davidai said in response:
New York City: 2024-06-11 Ford Foundation funding Moslem radicals
New York City: 2024-06-07 NY turns to psychiatrists to stop subway fare beaters after massive economic loss
New York City: 2024-06-07 'It's called reciprocity': GOP leaders, pundits urge party to fight back against Democrat lawfare
Posted by:Besoeker

#9  See that video of that dude in NYC get surround and attacked and fight through the ambush with a most excellent right cross on that dude with tit implant's face?

After some fist pumping, dude got out of a bad situation with only some dings, very lucky. Then his face and info were posted all over basically putting out an all-points hit on him.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-12 15:06  

#8  It's chust a shower!
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-12 13:34  

#7  ^ Yes, there will still be those that insist the "train cars" are little more than a conspiracy theory. I believe the popular term today is..."deniers."
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-12 13:24  

#6  ^ Sadly, that is proven true until they demonstrate otherwise in very large numbers.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-12 12:39  

#5  Yet the NY Jews will still vote demoncrat. They would vote for them even as they are loaded on the train cars.
Posted by: DarthVader   2024-06-12 12:37  

#4  On the left coast:

Posted by: trailing wife   2024-06-12 10:14  

#3  Yea, well, every cloud has a silver lining. Maybe some NY Jews learn not to break out in hives when they see a cop using a nightstick on a wakandan.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-12 09:59  

#2  'Most politically incorrect sheriff' in America explains his unique tactics to take down criminal 'dirtbags'
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-12 09:09  

#1  A No-Go zone brought to you by the same imbeciles who created them elsewhere.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-12 07:31  
