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Afghan Alleged Teen Arrested For Knife Jihad Attack On Women In Germany
[Khaama] The German police announced on Tuesday that a 19-year-old Afghan youth was arrested on charges of attacking a 41-year-old German woman with a knife in Frankfurt.

This Afghan migrant attacked the woman, who was sitting on a bench in a park, and seriously injured her.

In a joint statement, the Frankfurt prosecutor’s office and police said that on Monday afternoon, the young Afghan attacked the German woman from behind in the riverside area of the Main River in Frankfurt.

According to the police, the victim was saved from the assailant due to the intervention of passersby. After the knife attack, the assailant fled the scene. The police stated that he was hiding among the bushes and was later arrested.

The Frankfurt prosecutor’s office has issued an arrest warrant against the assailant on charges of attempted murder and grievous bodily harm.

The police have said that investigations into the factors and motives of the incident have begun.

This is the second attack by an Afghan migrant on German citizens in recent days. Sulaiman Attai, a 25-year-old Afghan youth, killed a police officer and injured five civilians in an attack on an anti-Islam rally in Mannheim on Friday, June 1.

In response to these incidents, Afghan residents in Germany have organized rallies to show their solidarity with the German police and condemn the violent acts. The rallies aim to demonstrate the community’s commitment to peace and cooperation with law enforcement.
“Please don’t kick us out!”
During these rallies, Afghan community leaders have spoken out, emphasizing the importance of unity and rejecting any form of violence. They have called for justice for the victims and support for the police in their efforts to maintain safety and order.
Yeah? What are you guys going to do to restrain the vicious idiots among you?
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Posted by:Elmerert Hupens2660

#7  I was cribbing a line from a statement by East Germany's last ruling gensek Honecker.

There's no system that's half free and half tyrannical. One of the two will quickly prevail over the other.
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660   2024-06-12 11:02  

#6  ^ Hups last sentence nails it, but cultural incompatabilit is not limited to Western Civ and the Hajji.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-12 10:18  

#5  "They have called for justice for the victims and support for the police in their efforts to maintain safety and order."

The Afghan consensus notion of "justice", "victimhood", "safety" and "order" includes, among other things the death penalty for ideological deviation and the absence of any rights for non-Muslims in conquered lands.

Islam and Western Civilization are as incompatible as fire and water.
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660   2024-06-12 10:00  

#4  German gov't must just be so proud of themselves letting in those from Bush's peaceful religion.
Posted by: DooDahMan   2024-06-12 09:17  

#3  Read the koran, the tactics were laid out a long time ago.
Posted by: Cesare   2024-06-12 07:23  

#2  There have been other surprise knife attacks in Germany this week.

One in a train, the attacker a man with Turkish citizenship.

The other was a an attack on a female jogger, the attacker still at large.

This does look like something beyond happenstance and coincidence.

BTW the European football championship in Germany is scheduled to start on 6/14.
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660   2024-06-12 07:06  

#1  There are reports that the victim is an Ukrainian national, not German as stated in the article.

It probably doesn't matter though, since this was an unprovoked surprise attack.
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660   2024-06-12 06:57  
