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Good Morning

Kamala Harris Wants Trump Disqualified
as Conviction Fails to Save Biden's Election Disaster
Wednesday 06/12/2024

Showing the ham 1940s (122)
IDF eliminates suspect approaching
Gaza border fence with drone
Most senior Hezbollah commander killed in Israeli strike
Africa Subsaharan
Women abused in Nigerian military
cells after fleeing Boko Haram -Report
11 terrorists involved in martyrdom
of seven soldiers killed in Lakki Marwat IBO
Africa Horn
RSF continues El Fasher assault,
displaces thousands amid humanitarian crisis
Israel army says four soldiers killed in south Gaza

Posted by:Fred

#4  That stare is NOT inviting....

Carolyn Jones, AKA Morticia Addams

Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-12 14:44  

#3  Who is it?
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-12 13:57  

#2  That stare is NOT inviting....
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-06-12 08:26  

#1  I'm waiting for her to stand up...
Posted by: Seeking Cure For Ignorance   2024-06-12 04:10  
