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How Yamam rescued the hostages under heavy enemy fire

The Israel Police on Monday published body camera footage of Yamam fighters raiding the apartment where Gaza hostages Shlomi Ziv, Andrey Kozlov, and Almog Meir Jan were being held captive and rescuing them on Monday.

In the video, Yamam soldiers engaged in numerous firefights before entering the building. Once inside, they asked the three hostages to identify themselves by name.

Afterward, another soldier exclaims to the hostages, "We’ve come to save you," and gives Jan a fist bump to relax them.

The video ends with footage of Yamam soldiers providing cover fire while the hostages flee on foot.

The police provided the following statement along with the video:

"Yamam and Shin Bet operatives worked simultaneously at two locations to rescue the four hostages, engaging in fierce combat with the terrorists.

Attached is footage from helmet cameras capturing the moments of the rescue, where Yamam officers and Shin Bet (Israel Security Service) operatives storm the locations holding the hostages. The dramatic rescue amidst fighting and neutralization of the terrorists in the area is clearly visible. />
Posted by:Besoeker
