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Africa Horn
El Fasher's last hospital forced to close after RSF attack
[SUDANTRIBUNE] El Fasher South Hospital, the only functioning medical facility in the city, has been forced to suspend operations after a violent mostly peaceful attack by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

On Saturday evening, RSF forces stormed the hospital, assaulting patients, staff, and visitors, and looting money, mobile phones, and an ambulance. The attack was eventually repelled by the army and its allied armed movements after intense fighting.

Ibrahim Abdallah, Director General of the Ministry of Health in North Darfur State, confirmed that the hospital is no longer operational and patients and staff have been evacuated to safety. He reported that the RSF executed several patients and kidnapped visitors during the attack, in addition to looting salaries, medications, and an ambulance, and destroying vehicles.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF), which operated the hospital in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, announced the cessation of operations in a statement released on Sunday. Michel Lacharite, MSF Head of Emergencies, condemned the attack, stating, "It is outrageous that the RSF opened fire inside the hospital. This is not an isolated incident, as staff and patients have endured attacks on the facility for weeks from all sides, but opening fire inside a hospital crosses a line."

At the time of the attack, only 10 patients and a reduced medical team were present, as MSF and the Ministry of Health had begun transferring patients and services to other facilities due to escalating violence.

South Hospital was one of only two hospitals in El Fasher with surgical capacity and served as the primary referral center for treating war-maimed. Between May 10 and June 6, over 1,300 casualties were treated at the hospital.

Posted by:Fred
