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Good Morning

18 tons of treasure found in tomb of Chinese prince
Monday 06/10/2024

Israeli forces pounded central Gaza anew, a day after killing 274 Palestinians during a hostage rescue raid
Britain's defense ministry says a statement by Yemen's Houthis that they had fired ballistic missiles at a British destroyer in the Red Sea was false
Seven Pakistani soldiers have been killed when their vehicle was bombed in a northwest region bordering Afghanistan
Hamas says three hostages were killed, including a US citizen, in an Israeli military operation in Gaza
Iran has named the candidates approved
to run in the presidential election scheduled for June 28
Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz
announces that his party is quitting the government
Florida Bank Hostage taker's head
no match for SWAT Sniper's .308 (video)

Posted by:Fred

Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-10 13:14  
