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Good Morning

Chicago Mayor Spent Over $30,000
In Campaign Funds On Hair And Makeup In One Year
Sunday 06/09/2024

AlJazeara's Reporter in GAZA (Abdallah
Alimal) held Noa Argamani hostage in Aliamal's home.
'Operation Arnon': How 4 hostages
were freed from Hamas captivity in central Gaza
Weekly rallies urging elections, hostage deal held amid elation over rescue op; police tie up 33 miscreants in Tel Aviv
Fifth Column
'Kill another Zionist now': Pro-terror
demonstrators converge near White House
Cargo ship hit Saturday by missile southeast
of Yemen's Aden -- UK maritime security firm
EA-18G Growler Killed A Houthi Mi-24
Hind With An AGM-88E Anti-Radiation Missile
Los Angeles police find 2,800 stolen Lego sets

Posted by:Fred

#3  Mary Ann, preferably, Ginger would certainly do in a pinch.
Posted by: alanc   2024-06-09 14:33  

#2  Still a Mary Ann guy
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-09 13:13  

#1  THAT'S why the tour took 3 hours!
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-09 13:09  
