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‘Operation Arnon’: How 4 hostages were freed from Hamas captivity in central Gaza
After action report about this story from yesterday. See here for more.
[IsraelTimes] Daylight mission to surprise captors; special forces concurrently raid two buildings in Nuseirat refugee camp where hostages held by Palestinian families; rescue vehicle breaks down after coming under fire; IDF reports under 100 Palestinian casualties, while Hamas claims 210 dead.

The Israel Defense Forces, Shin Bet security agency and Israel Police on Saturday morning carried out one of the most daring, complex, high-risk yet successful operations amid the war against Hamas of the armed feet of the Moslem Brüderbund millipede,...
, rescuing four hostages alive from the terror group’s captivity in the Gazoo
Posted by:trailing wife

#8  Father of Freed Israeli Hostage Dies of ‘Grief’ Hours Before His Rescue

Dina said she had received a phone call from the army telling her that her nephew had been rescued, and the officer told her they had been unable to reach Yossi.

“I drove like crazy, I knocked, ‘Yossi, Yossi, Yossi,’ and nothing. I got no answer. The door of his house was open and I saw him sleeping in the living room. I screamed ‘Yossi’ to him and he didn’t answer me. I saw the color of his skin, I touched him, but he was dead,” she said.

Posted by: Ulolurong Bonaparte7637   2024-06-09 20:12  

#7  Isn't that the BBC's job?
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-09 20:05  

#6  Kidnapping is a federal crime in the US
Posted by: Regular+joe   2024-06-09 16:04  

#5  This is the moment when the @BBCWorld asks @jconricus why Israel didn’t warn Gazans ahead of its rescue missions.
Posted by: Deacon+Blues   2024-06-09 16:00  

#4   Skidmark I don't expect CNN to be truthful about very much. I am not surprised.
Posted by: Deacon+Blues   2024-06-09 10:33  

#3  Palestinians describe carnage in Israel hostage rescue operation

Inaction kills.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-09 07:22  

#2  CNN under fire for a shocking mistake when reporting on Israel's daring rescue of four hostages from...
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-09 06:19  

#1  Wonderful news, well done everyone in Israeli military
Very glad to see this news this morning, also glad to see plenty of hammers got taken out!
Posted by: Anon1   2024-06-09 02:13  
