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Africa Horn
RSF assassinates journalist and family members in Khartoum suburb
[SUDANTRIBUNE] A Rapid Support Forces (RSF) unit assassinated journalist Muawiya Abdel Razzaq and three of his family members late Tuesday night at their home in the al-Droshab suburb, north of Khartoum Bahri (North).

Since the war began between the army and the RSF on April 15, 2023, numerous journalists have faced widespread violations from both sides, including arrest, killing, and looting, with the paramilitary forces being responsible for the majority of these abuses.

The Journalists’ Syndicate recorded 393 direct violations against journalists and media outlets, mostly occurring due to their work or affiliation with the profession. These violations included murder, physical assault, kidnapping, and detention, with at least one female journalist experiencing sexual violence, according to the union.

Hussein Mirghani, a resident of the al-Droshab, stated on Facebook, "In a crime that adds to the record of the criminal militia, four young men from southern al-Droshab were executed inside their home late last night: Tarek Yaqub, Murtada Captain, Ali Turki, and journalist Muawiya Abdel Razzaq."

He added that the victims had remained in the area since the outbreak of the war and had not left.

The Journalists’ Syndicate mourned journalist Abdel Razzaq, stating that he was killed by RSF’s gunfire along with three of his family members. The union strongly condemned the incident, calling on the RSF to immediately investigate this crime and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Posted by:Fred

#1  See, nobody is ALL bad.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-07 12:01  
