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Africa Horn
Somali Military Court Executes Three Men for Murder of Two Brothers

[SHABELLEMEDIA] In a significant move aimed at curbing the rising incidents of Dire Revenge killings in central Somalia, a military court in Galmudug
...a semiautonomous region in central Somalia, bordering Puntland on the north. Galmudug is not trying to obtain international recognition as a separate nation, but rather considers itself autonomous within the larger Somali federalism, for what that's worth...
State executed three men in a public square in Dhusamareb town on Thursday.

The execution comes after the court found the three men guilty of murdering Dr. Ahmed Hassan Osman and his younger brother, Koran teacher Liban Hassan Osman, in the Ilix area of the Galgadud region in December 2023.

The three executed men, Nur Abdi Mohammed, Shucaib Mohammed Farah, and Bile Abdullahi Hassan, were sentenced to death on February 27 this year after being found guilty of the crime.

The court determined that they had deliberately killed the two brothers, prompting their execution as a measure to address the increasing incidents of Dire Revenge killings in the region.

The execution of the three men has been met with mixed reactions, with some members of the community expressing support for the move as a necessary step to maintain law and order, while others have raised concerns about the use of the death penalty
and the need for a more comprehensive approach to addressing the root causes of such violence.

The Somali government, through its military court system, has been actively working to address the issue of Dire Revenge killings, which have been on the rise in central Somalia in recent months.
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Posted by:Fred
