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Two Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in Jenin refugee camp
[GEO.TV] Israeli forces have killed two Palestinians in the occupied West Bank’s Jenin refugee camp, said the Palestinian health ministry and the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS).

Earlier the PRCS said that during their storming of the city of Jenin and its refugee camp, eight Palestinians were injured by Israeli forces’ bullets, reported Al Jazeera.

Palestinians say 3 killed in IDF raid on Jenin; helicopter conducts strikes

[IsraelTimes] Army says it killed several gunmen while carrying out arrest operation in northern West Bank city; helicopter gunship used to provide cover for troops on ground

Israeli forces killed three Paleostinians and maimed at least 13 others in a raid on the northern West Bank city of Jenin Thursday, the Paleostinian Health Ministry and medics said.

The Israel Defense Forces said troops killed several button men and detained a wanted Paleostinian suspect during the raid.

During the operation, an Israeli Air Force attack helicopter carried out strikes in support of ground forces who came under fire by Paleostinian button men, the army said. The IDF has carried out numerous Arclight airstrike
s with helicopters and drones in the West Bank over the past year, and in rare cases, also used fighter jets.

The Paleostinian Red Islamic Thingy said it was treating at least six people who were shot, four who sustained shrapnel wounds and one person who was run over by a military jeep. It alleged its teams were fired at while recovering some of the dead.

The official Paleostinian Wafa news outlet named the three fatalities as Ibrahim al-Saadi, 21, Issa Jallad, 17, and Uday Mara’i, 24. On social media, Mara’i was identified as a member of a local terror group.

The army said the wanted Paleostinian man, who was not named, was handed over to the Shin Bet for questioning. It said he was suspected of involvement in terror activity.

According to Wafa, two people were arrested during the raid.

Jenin, in the far northern West Bank, has been a focal point of raids by the Israeli military, which says the area has become a hotbed for terror groups seeking to attack Israelis.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking at the end of a security assessment on the West Bank on Thursday, said that while Israel was facing "complicated international pressure" it was determined to change the security reality in the area.

"Israel is engaged in a difficult battle on many fronts. We are fighting in the south, we are fighting in the north, we are also fighting in Judea and Samaria," he said, using the biblical name for the West Bank.

In late May, troops conducted a nearly two-day raid in the city to demolish the home of a terrorist involved in the killing of Israeli civilian Meir Tamari in a shooting attack near the settlement of Hermesh in May 2023. Paleostinians reported that 12 people were killed during the raid.

AP reported that eight of the dead were claimed by Hamas
..a regional Iranian catspaw,...
and other terror groups as their button men.

On May 17, a rare Israeli airstrike in Jenin targeted a command room belonging to a local terror network and killed another terrorist involved in the murder of Tamari, according to the military.
Jenin: 2024-05-25 Good Morning
Jenin: 2024-05-25 Israeli troops leave Jenin after 40-hour raid; 8 gunmen reported among 12 dead
Jenin: 2024-05-22 Israeli military kills seven in West Bank raid: health ministry
Posted by:Fred
