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Good Morning

Retired Four Star Admiral Arrested for Bridery: From 2020 to 2022, Robert Burke, 62, was a four-star Admiral who oversaw Naval operations in Europe, Russia, and most of Africa
Sunday 06/02/2024

Fifth Column
Police break up anti-Israel protest
encampment, arrest 80 at UC Santa Cruz
Africa North
Egypt extends crackdown on
Gaza activism with student arrests
120,000 claimed to rally in Tel Aviv to demand hostage deal, denounce gov%u2019t, thank President Biden; 5,000 claimed protest to thank President Biden in J%u2019lem
Fifth Column
U of Chicago students walk out of graduation
after diplomas withheld for anti-Israel camp
Iranian authorities have arrested 35
people in a raid on a 'satanist network gathering'
Hezbollah-affiliated medical organization says 16 children have been wounded in an Israeli airstrike
27 People Shot in Ohio, One Dead, Suspect At Large

Posted by:Fred

Posted by: NoMoreBS   2024-06-02 16:27  

#1  Fang Fang V0.0
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-02 13:19  
