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120,000 claimed to rally in Tel Aviv to demand hostage deal, denounce gov’t, thank President Biden; 5,000 claimed protest to thank President Biden in J’lem
[IsraelTimes] Demos urging early elections, Gaza ceasefire-hostage deal estimated to be largest since Oct. 7; arrests reported; activist says anti-Netanyahu movement to escalate tactics

Tens of thousands
…which isn’t even close to 120,000…
Update after a stroll through the archives: back in the day when the same people were protesting every weekend about Bibi’s proposed judicial overhaul, the professional crowd estimators said 60,000 were protesting, the police said 100,000, and the protest spokepeople claimed 200,000. So today’s real number could well be 30,000…
of anti-government protesters demonstrated in Tel Aviv on Saturday, calling on the government to advance a deal to release hostages held by bandidos bully boyz in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
since October 7, and for the dismissal of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and early elections.

Attendees of Saturday’s protest said that it was the largest since Hamas of the armed feet of the Moslem Brüderbund millipede,...
’s October 7 massacre, with protest organizers estimating that some 120,000 demonstrators attended the Tel Aviv rally.

Similar demonstrations were held at numerous locations around the country.

In Democracy Square after the end of the official rally, protesters continued chanting for the release of hostages. Some activists lit a bonfire on the square, and videos posted to social media showed skirmishes between police and protesters.

According to Haaretz, two protesters were arrested, and police used a sound cannon to disperse protesters.

Ynet also reported that 14 coppers including Chief Superintendent Avi Ofer, the deputy commander of the Tel Aviv Police Department, were maimed during festivities with protesters. Ofer sustained injuries that required medical treatment, according to the report.

Protests at the intersection of Begin and Kaplan Street, dubbed Democracy Square, have been held every Saturday night since the anti-judicial overhaul movement began in January of last year, except for a few-months-long hiatus following the Hamas terror onslaught on October 7.

One video posted to social media showed Labor MK Gilad Kariv, a frequent attendee of the anti-government protests, in a heated argument with Chief Superintendent Ofer.

The first speaker at the demonstration was Shaul Meridor, the former head of the Finance Ministry’s budget department, who entered the public eye in 2020 for resigning in protest of then-finance minister Israel Katz’s budgetary conduct.

"A step away from a victory that will never come, we’re surrounded by enemies, the whole world’s against us," Meridor said, referring to Netanyahu’s repeated claims throughout the war that Israel is close to achieving its objectives.

"Last night, we received a reminder of what a real leader looks like, who cares for Israel’s future and not his own. Thank you President Biden," he added, referring to the US president’s speech on Friday in which he outlined Israel’s proposal for a deal leading to a ceasefire and release of hostages, urged the Israeli government to stand behind it and called on Hamas to accept it.
Other speakers were mentioned in the article are Gal Pichovich, an activist and resident of the so-called Gaza Envelope region, and protest leader and entrepreneur Moshe Redman.
After the official portion of the demonstration ended, protesters joined families of some hostages at a demonstration nearby on Begin Street.
Meanwhile, in Jerusalem:
Thousands of Israelis marched in Jerusalem on Saturday night, demanding the government secure a hostage deal after US President Joe The Big Guy Biden
...46th president of the U.S. The very model of probity....
unveiled a new Israel-proposed plan on Friday to free the remaining captives in Gaza and reach a ceasefire with Hamas.

“This evening is an evening of hope," said anti-government activist Tova Sheleg from a podium outside the President’s Residence, where protesters wrapped up their march. "There is a real chance for a deal, one that can bring the hostages home."

The march and rally ended peacefully with no arrests or confrontations with police.

The three-phase plan was initially proposed by Israel and approved by the war cabinet comprising Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and minister Benny Gantz, but now that the outline has gone public, many families of the hostages are worried that the premier will try to quash it.

"In the coming hours there will be very strong attempts to torpedo the deal," said the Hostages and Missing Families Forum on Saturday night in a call for mass protests. "We are entering into an immediate and aggressive struggle that demands the State of Israel carry out the deal it proposed itself."

The protests in Jerusalem were planned to revolve around the upcoming Jerusalem Day holiday, which Israelis will mark Tuesday evening through Wednesday, but organizers shifted course in wake of Biden’s speech.

A front man for the anti-government group Safeguarding our Shared Home claimed Saturday night’s rally was the largest Jerusalem protest since October 7, with some 5,000 people in attendance. Organizers noted the distinction between nationwide protests that were held in Jerusalem, which have numbered in the tens of thousands, and those led by organizations actually based in the city.

Biden’s speech appeared to have strengthened pressure from anti-government activists to end the war, as calls for a ceasefire came hand-in-hand with the demand for new elections.

Avi Dabush, an evacuee from Kibbutz Nirim near the Gazoo border, told the crowd that his community had "paid the heaviest prices" after years of abandonment from the government, mentioning two of his friends, Yagev Buchshtav and Nadav Popplewell, who are held captive by Hamas in Gaza and many others who were murdered during the terror group’s October 7 massacre.

"Elections now are necessary but not enough" said Dabush. "I am joining President Biden in calling for a deal now, for a ceasefire that will return us Nadav and Yagev and 123 other hostages."

Ella Dotan, a student activist with the shared society organization Standing Together, spoke after Dabush.
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Posted by:trailing wife

#9   seem to believe that Netanyahu is somehow not trying to bring the hostages home.

Even if he did, that wouldn't be good enough. They reject him because he keeps beating their candidates. The poor darlings keep rejecting him, then he wins again and changes the country even more. It’s diabolical.
Posted by: trailing wife   2024-06-02 23:22  

#8  Agree to cease fire and relocate all Israeli protestors to Gaza…. Sort of a reeducation program.
Posted by: Airandee   2024-06-02 17:58  

#7  In a Israeli population of about 10M, there are perhaps 1M deep leftists and many seem to believe that Netanyahu is somehow not trying to bring the hostages home.

Seems odd but remember in the US there are perhaps 5-30 million people who believe in Democratic Socialism.

Posted by: Lord Garth   2024-06-02 16:57  

#6  They tanked Biden. All you need to know.
Posted by: Rex Mundi   2024-06-02 12:55  

#5  What's the drone headcount?
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-02 11:50  

#4  And back in 2015 they called the same screaming mass protests V15 for Victory in 2015 — hoping to whip up enough votes to beat Bibi in that election. They failed.
Posted by: trailing wife   2024-06-02 11:17  

#3  ^These, anti-Bibi before they were "save the hostages", protests have all the hallmarks of a typical CIA color revolution.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-02 07:59  

#2  Did 'our' embassy staff pass around absentee voter ballots?
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-02 07:21  

#1  It's all funded by your tax dollars through NGOs.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-02 03:38  
