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Iranian authorities have arrested 35 people in a raid on a 'satanist network gathering'

Iranian authorities have arrested 35 people in a raid on a "satanist network gathering" in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, local media reported Saturday.

The raid took place after police had "identified the location" of the gathering, which featured "signs and symbols of satanism, alcohol and drugs," ISNA news agency said.

Raids on so-called "satanist" gatherings are not uncommon in the deeply conservative country, often targeting parties or concerts with alcohol consumption, which is largely banned in Iran.

A total of "31 men and four women at the venue" were taken into custody and referred to judicial authorities, ISNA said quoting Ruhollah Yaarizadeh, police chief in Khuzestan’s Dezful city.

In May, police arrested more than 250 people including three Europeans west of the capital Tehran over similar charges.

A 2007 raid on an unauthorized rock concert near Tehran saw some 230 people arrested.

Authorities in the Shia Moslem-dominated country have in the past branded rock and heavy metal music concerts as "satanist" gatherings.
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Posted by:Fred

#5  Oh my goodness — the things you think of!
Posted by: trailing wife   2024-06-02 23:26  

#4  'Twas Sunday in Dago, a gray day.
I'm Friday. He's Gannon, my bae. ["Hey!"]
From Hillcrest, a mayday:
"Dude's having a Ray day
And claims that today ain't a gay day!"
"I'm sorry, sir, but your friend is right. Today really is Race Day. [marathoners pass in background] But you can still be as gay as you like."
"Or even moreso, Joe."
"Wow, man, I can?"
"Yes, sir. In fact, without vigilant, responsible citizens [Gannon coughs] like yourself looking out for the ell-mumble-mumble-plus community, the whole fabric of our tolerant society would quickly fall apart like a cotton candy jockstrap in a sauna, now wouldn't it?"
"I guess you're right, fuzz."
"You bet I'm right, mister!"
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-02 23:12  

#3  So, a GayDay dance?
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-02 11:51  

#2  Satanists? Thought that was us and Israel.
A satanist in Iran is anyone they deem a satanist...kind of like the court system in New York.
Posted by: JohnQC   2024-06-02 09:42  

#1  Mazdaists or simply partying?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-02 01:44  
