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Africa Subsaharan
Deadly clashes in Malakal raise concerns ahead of Political Rally
[SUDANTRIBUNE] Violent clashes in Malakal, South Sudan, have left several people dead and raised concerns about escalating tensions ahead of a planned high-level political rally by the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

The clashes erupted on Thursday between two camps housing internally displaced people from the Shilluk and Nuer ethnic groups, according to sources from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the state government. The violence resulted in deaths and destruction of property.

UNMISS confirmed in a statement that tensions remain high at the UN Protection of Civilians Site adjacent to its base in Malakal. The mission expressed deep concern about the violence and urged state and local authorities and government security forces to maintain stability and order in the area.

“Such violence causes lasting harm to communities and prevents UNMISS from continuing our vital protection and peacebuilding work,” said Nicholas Haysom, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS.

The mission called on feuding parties to exercise restraint and engage in dialogue to resolve their differences peacefully. UNMISS is working with the state government, community leaders, and security actors to restore calm.
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Posted by:Fred
