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Fifth Column
Thirty-four people arrested after pro-Palestine protest in Brooklyn
Follow up to this story from yesterday.
[Al Jazeera] New York City police say 34 people are being held in jug following a pro-Paleostinian protest at the Brooklyn Museum in New York City on Friday. They reported damage to some artwork and harassment of security staff by demonstrators.

During Friday’s demonstration, pro-Paleostine demonstrators set up tents in the lobby and unfurled a "Free Paleostine" banner from the building’s roof before police moved in to make arrests.
Posted by:Fred

#3  ...nah, they didn't beat Hillary in 2016, so they'll be out on the street by tomorrow.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-02 14:00  


Where is the enforcement of New York Penal Law Section 485.05 Hate crimes Laws. Because these students are looking at a possible 10 to 20 year, hefty prison sentence.
Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-02 04:04  

#1  One hoped for a larger catch but the Arab street seems well kind of quiescent even in Brooklyn.. so sad!
Posted by: Alpha2c   2024-06-02 00:09  
