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U.N. Security Council Passes Statement on Iran
The U.N. Security Council demanded Wednesday that Iran suspend uranium enrichment, the first time the powerful body has directly urged Tehran to clear up suspicions that it is seeking nuclear weapons.

Iran remained defiant, maintaining its right to nuclear power but insisting that it was committed to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and had no intention of seeking weapons of mass destruction.

"Pressure and threats do not work with Iran. Iran is a country that is allergic to pressure and to threats and intimidation," Iranian Ambassador Javad Zarif said. He later added that "Iran insists on its right to have access to nuclear technology for explicitly peaceful purposes. We will not abandon that claim to our legitimate right."

The 15-nation council unanimously approved a statement that will ask the U.N. nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, to report back in 30 days on Iran's compliance with demands to stop enriching uranium.
Russia and China insisted on watering this down from 14 days.
Diplomats portrayed the statement, which is not legally binding, as a first, modest step toward compelling Iran to make clear that its program is for peaceful purposes. The Security Council could eventually impose economic sanctions, though Russia and China say they oppose such tough measures.

"The council is expressing its clear concern and is saying to Iran that it should comply with the wishes of the governing board," France's U.N Ambassador Jean-Marc de La Sabliere said.

The document was adopted by consensus and without a vote after a flurry of negotiations among the five veto-wielding council members. In the end, Britain, France and the United States made several concessions to China and Russia, Iran's allies, who wanted as mild a statement as possible.

Still, the Western countries said the statement expresses the international community's shared conviction that Iran must comply with the governing board of the IAEA and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

Enrichment is a process that can produce either fuel for a nuclear reactor or the material for a nuclear warhead.

Members of the council wanted to reach a deal before Thursday, when foreign ministers from the five veto-wielding council members and Germany meet in Berlin to discuss strategy on Iran.

Diplomats would not say exactly what will happen if Iran does not comply with the statement within 30 days, but suggested that would be discussed by the foreign ministers in Berlin.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called the statement an "important diplomatic step" that showed the international community's concern about Iran.

"Iran is more isolated now than ever," she said in a statement. "The Security Council's Presidential Statement sends an unmistakable message to Iran that its efforts to conceal its nuclear program and evade its international obligations are unacceptable."

The council has struggled for three weeks to come up with a written rebuke that would urge Iran to comply with several demands from the board of the IAEA to clear up suspicions about its intentions. Tehran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

The West believes council action will help isolate Iran and put new pressure on it to clear up suspicions about its intentions. They have proposed an incremental approach, refusing to rule out sanctions.

U.S. officials have said the threat of military action must also remain on the table.

Russia and China, both allies of Iran, oppose sanctions. They wanted any council statement to make explicit that the IAEA, not the Security Council, must take the lead in confronting Iran.
and now why would that be????
The draft circulated to the council calls upon Iran to "resolve outstanding questions, and underlines ... the particular importance of re-establishing full and sustained suspension of all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities."

Still, it removed language that China and Russia opposed.

The text removes language saying that proliferation is a threat to international peace and security. Also gone is a mention that the council is specifically charged under the U.N. charter with addressing such threats.

Russia and China had opposed that language from the start because they wanted nothing in the statement that could automatically trigger council action after 30 days.

"For the time being we have suspicions," Russia's U.N. Ambassador Andrey Denisov said. "So from that point of view, it is like a ladder. If you want to climb up, you must step on the first step, and then the second, and not try to leap."

Posted by:lotp

#9  UN Security Council Passes Statement On Iran

Oh, now that's disgusting...but somehow strangely appropriate...

Posted by: FOTSGreg   2006-03-29 23:49  

#8  Well, let's not be so cynical about this. A lot of people have put in a lot of man-hours in negotiating and drafting up the *ahem* powerful body draft. And also think of the hotel room bills, room service charges and catering costs. This is a big operation, go give appeasement peace a chance.

By the way, how is the full-steam planning coming for Darfur? That operation seems to have been switched to the siding.

Man, with material covering the UN, I could go on and on...........
Posted by: Alaska Paul   2006-03-29 22:29  

#7  Hrrrmph. Yeah, I knew I was taking a risk of missing something really hilarious (or it would be hilarious if it weren't so disgusting)...

Posted by: Dave D.   2006-03-29 21:01  

#6  Dave, you missed the funniest part:
"...the statement, which is not legally binding..."
Posted by: Darrell   2006-03-29 20:47  

#5  "The U.N. Security Council demanded Wednesday that Iran suspend uranium enrichment, the first time the powerful body..."

I stopped right there. I just couldn't go on.

Posted by: Dave D.   2006-03-29 20:32  

#4  Hmmm March 28th is out....Operation Bolton: I Told You Before should be in May, in time for Basij graduations and the new AK-47 lines
Posted by: Frank G   2006-03-29 20:14  

#3  Darned, 30 days puts us past April 25th, Holocaust Remembrance Day. Maybe the Israelis won't wait the full 30 days.
Posted by: Darrell   2006-03-29 20:00  

#2  To be followed this summer by Operation Aw, Come On...
Posted by: Iblis   2006-03-29 19:49  

#1  Operation Pretty Please has begun...
Posted by: tu3031   2006-03-29 19:45  
