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ElBaradei to German Dentists: Putting Teeth In NPT and Disarmament
Seriously? We need dentures?

Faced with the threat of nuclear proliferation and the prospect of such weapons falling into the hands of terrorists, the head of the United Nations atomic watchdog agency has laid out a five-point plan of action ranging from tighter controls and protection of materials to strengthening the Security Council.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei called for placing sensitive nuclear operations such as the enrichment of uranium that can be used for producing both electric energy and an atomic bomb under multinational control.

“The five measures I have outlined – tightening controls, protecting materials, supporting verification, reinvigorating disarmament and strengthening the Security Council – are all necessary and urgent steps,” Mr. ElBaradei told a conference of German dentists in Karlsruhe over the weekend, in an address aptly called “Putting Teeth in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Regime.”

“But to return to my opening theme, all of these measures affect each other, and all will fail to protect us if the root causes of insecurity are not addressed. The longer we delay in placing sensitive nuclear operations under multinational control, the more new countries will seek to build such facilities.

Posted by:Captain America

#4  They might have been able to explain to ElBaradei what his problem is.

If ever there was a case of acute onset terminal phase rectal-cranial insertion, ElBaradei is the posterboy. The SOB probably can't even swallow without having to blink immediately afterwards.
Posted by: Zenster   2006-03-29 19:01  

#3  Too bad it wasn't proctologists, They might have been able to explain to ElBaradei what his problem is.
Posted by: Fordesque   2006-03-29 18:42  

#2  Root causes?! Mo needs a root canal.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble   2006-03-29 16:33  

#1  The head of the IAEA is reduced to making speeches before German dentists?

How pathetic... this is the agency supposed to defang Iran?

Posted by: john   2006-03-29 15:43  
