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Suicide Bomber Caught, Navy Shells Rocket Launching Sites
Suicide Bomber Captured by Nahal Hareidi
The IDF's Nahal Hareidi brigade apprehended an Arab suicide bomber already wearing a bomb-belt Wednesday afternoon. The terrorist was caught at the Beka'ot checkpoint in the Jordan Valley, which is manned by members of the special religious brigade. The eighteen–year-old had traveled from Shechem and was supposed to be picked up by Israeli Arab terrorists and driven to a population center to blow himself up among the maximum number of people he could find. The explosives contained in the belt weighed upwards of 80 pounds, local commander Col. Motti Elmoz told Army Radio. The explosives were detonated by sappers in a controlled explosion.

Attempted Attacks Continue
More than 70 intelligence warnings of planned terror attacks remain in effect across Israel. At the Hawara checkpoint, just south of Shechem, and in Hevron as well, soldiers arrested PA Arabs with large knives suspected of intending to carry out stabbing attacks. Both suspects are being questioned.

At Rachel's Tomb, the burial place of the Jewish Matriarch Rachel in Bethlehem, a terrorist threw an explosive device at a public Israeli bus Wednesday afternoon. Though there were no injuries in the attack, security officials are concerned about the increasing violence targeting the Jewish religious site.

Rockets and New Naval Response
Israel responded to Kassam rocket attacks Wednesday by attacking launching sites in Gaza from the sea for the first time, using naval vessels to fire artillery at the open fields and launch sites favored by terrorists. Five Kassam rockets struck the western Negev Wednesday – fired from areas in northern Gaza formerly home to Jewish communities, which were destroyed as part of last summer's unilateral withdrawal. Meanwhile, Islamic Jihad says that the Russian-made Katyusha missile fired toward the city of Ashkelon on Election Day was just a first attempt, and promises to improve its aim and range in future attacks.

While Israelis were going to the polls Tuesday, the Hamas terror group formerly took its place at the head of the Palestinian Authority and vocalized its intentions to create an Islamist regime that would sponsor and encourage terror attacks, "and whose greatest desire is martyrdom for Allah," a senior official told the parliament. He was answered with applause and chants of "Allahu Akbar."

Navy Vessels Again Bombarding Gaza Targets
( Navy vessels began shelling enemy targets in northern Gaza a short time ago. The targets are thought to be the areas from which Arab terrorists have been launching rockets at Israeli targets in recent days, including with Kassams and at least one Katyusha.

The IDF shelling from the sea at this time is the second incidence of the navy taking part in the retaliatory strikes today.
Posted by:Steve

#10  The missing link here is observation. If the Israelis would just use some method of spotting that would place the firing areas under observation, they could fire first, before the Paleos had set up their rocket. This is especially true since the Paleos are firing from open areas, not from within clusters of buildings.

In past, I've suggested inexpensive tethered balloons with video cameras on them. They could not only spot, but calculate a GPS coordinate for the fire control.

Best of all, the Israelis would have video evidence of the baddies setting up their toys, when next the snivellers complained that they were shelling civilians.
Posted by: Anonymoose   2006-03-29 20:12  

#9  Ooohhh, let it be so. Much fun to watch (off axis).
Posted by: Whiskey Mike   2006-03-29 19:50  

#8  Mebbe it's time to lend-lease one of our mothballed BBs...
Posted by: DanNY   2006-03-29 17:18  

#7  Last time I checked (5 minutes ago) Israel's surface combatants consisted of patrol boats and the largest bore gun on any of them is a 3" automatic cannon.
Posted by: Phil   2006-03-29 17:14  

#6  M: I don't think Bitch Slappin' Unicorn and Bunny Farms is the answer...

Whatever crop was being grown in those fields is going to be either charred or filled with bits of shrapnel. It's a message to people who host rocket attacks - do it, and your property is toast.
Posted by: Zhang Fei   2006-03-29 16:42  

I don't think Bitch Slappin' Unicorn and Bunny Farms is the answer...

sarcasm -off
Posted by: macofromoc   2006-03-29 15:20  

#4  Tuesday, the Hamas terror group formerly took its place at the head of the Palestinian Authority and vocalized its intentions to create an Islamist regime that would sponsor and encourage terror attacks
I presume that EU money is still flowing into the PA. Doesn't that make them complicit in attacks on Irael?
Posted by: Tholuter Choluper8190   2006-03-29 14:56  

#3  Hey, Big Bitch Slap from the Sea!! MORE!

Posted by: RD   2006-03-29 14:40  

#2  "The explosives were detonated by sappers in a controlled explosion."

I hope they didn't bother to remove the belt first.
Posted by: AlanC   2006-03-29 14:36  

#1  Ah...the sweet smell of chordite and salt air.
Posted by: anymouse   2006-03-29 14:06  
