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Science & Technology
MTRS Robots Continue to Head to the Front
iRobot Corp., maker of those neat little Roomba home vacuuming robots and Scooba mop-replacement robots, recently announced a new contract delivery order to build additional bomb disposal robots for shipment to the U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Under the terms, iRobot will deliver an additional 213 iRobot PackBot Man Transportable Robotic Systems (MTRS), plus spare parts to repair robots in the field. The new award of $26 million marks the third round of funding by the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), bringing the total value of the orders placed to date to more than $43 million.

The US Army is also involved in the MTRS tri-service procurement program, just as the Packbots are one of two robot types approved for use under this program. Foster-Miller, purchased by the British defense research firm QinetiQ in November 2005, also supplies its TALON IV robots to the program, while supporting previous versions in the field like the TALON III. DID covered the entire MTRS program in-depth back in September 2005, including the program structure (which includes the latest iRobot delivery) and the robots involved. A subsequent December 2005 article covered the Bombot, a much smaller and cheaper robot designed as an explicit alternative to MTRS.
Posted by:Steve

#8  What they really need is to hold a competition for teenagers with Lego Mindstorms Systems for robots with military applications. I'm sure the kids can come up with something good.
Posted by: Eric Jablow   2006-03-29 21:55  

#7  If Pablo stopped holding wages down, a robotic lettuce picker would be in development, or would have been developed, paving the way for lower cost military robots. Low wage labor hurts the country in many ways.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble   2006-03-29 16:40  

#6  I have a Roomba, and it works rather well.
Posted by: Mike   2006-03-29 16:31  

#5  (PABLO)?

Yes that one. LOL
Posted by: jim#6   2006-03-29 15:44  

#4  I wonder if they are working on a lettuce picking robot

No Hablo Espagnol?

Senor America
Posted by: Captain America   2006-03-29 15:44  

#3  I'm waiting for Reconbot and Specibot, myself.
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2006-03-29 15:10  

#2  I wonder if they are working on a lettuce picking robot

You mean the iRobot PickBot Programable Agricultural Bionic Lettuce Organizer (PABLO)?
Posted by: Steve   2006-03-29 15:03  

#1  I wonder if they are working on a lettuce picking robot?
Posted by: jim#6   2006-03-29 14:41  
