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Italy Welcomes Man Who Fled Afghanistan
ROME (AP) -- Italy granted asylum Wednesday to an Afghan who faced the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity, and Premier Silvio Berlusconi said the man was in the care of the Interior Ministry after arriving in Italy earlier in the day. Abdul Rahman "is already in Italy. I think he arrived overnight," Berlusconi said, declining to release more details.
Made it out alive. Now he'll need to hide from the fatwa that is sure to come
Rahman's jailing in Afghanistan inspired an appeal by Pope Benedict XVI to Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai and efforts by the United Nations to find a country to take him. Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini had been outspoken about the case from the start, saying Italy had a duty to make clear its "indignation."

Conversion is a crime under Afghanistan's Islamic law. Rahman, 41, was arrested last month after police discovered him with a Bible. He was brought to trial last week for converting 16 years ago while working as a medical aid worker for an international Christian group helping Afghan refugees in Pakistan. Afghanistan's parliament had demanded earlier Wednesday that the government prevent Rahman from being able to flee the country.

Germany, where Rahman once lived, praised the Italian offer. "This is a humanitarian signal and we welcome it," German government spokesman Thomas Steg said. Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi says Italy would be glad to give asylum to the Afghan man who faced the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity. Anticipating that Italy's Cabinet would approve Rahman's asylum, Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu said Tuesday that such a move would bring "all the forms of protection and assistance" related to recognizing refugee status.

Italy has close ties with Afghanistan, whose former king, Mohammed Zaher Shah, was allowed to live with his family in exile in Rome for 30 years. The former royals returned to Kabul after the fall of the Taliban regime a few years ago.
Italian troops were sent into Afghanistan after the U.S.-led invasion of the country in 2001 to help with reconstruction.

Muslim clerics in Afghanistan condemned Rahman's release, saying it was a "betrayal of Islam," and threatened to incite violent protests. Some 500 Muslim leaders, students and others gathered Wednesday in a mosque in southern Qalat town and criticized the government for releasing Rahman, said Abdulrahman Jan, the top cleric in Zabul province. He said the government should either force Rahman to convert back to Islam or kill him. "This is a terrible thing and a major shame for Afghanistan," he said.
Yes, it is. Just not how you think it is.
Posted by:Steve

#5  God bless Italy.
Posted by: Ptah   2006-03-29 21:30  

#4  I agree, john. Thanks Italy!
Posted by: Seafarious   2006-03-29 19:52  

#3  I think we owe the people of Italy a vote of thanks for their generosity.
Posted by: john   2006-03-29 19:46  

#2  Here, have a pizza
Posted by: Captain America   2006-03-29 12:34  

#1  Islam truly is a scourge. A virulent bacterium in the shitty little petri dish we call the middle east. I'd like to spray it with lysol.
Posted by: Wheatle Snineque6685   2006-03-29 12:22  
