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Taliban say Afghan offensive is on, 22 dead
Insurgents in Afghanistan attacked a military base on Wednesday and an American, a Canadian and at least 12 militants were killed as a Taliban spokesman said a spring offensive had begun. The Taliban said their fighters attacked the foreign forces in the southern province of Helmand.

In another incident, a roadside bomb killed six Afghan soldiers on Tuesday in Helmand's Sangin district, and two policemen were killed in a raid on their post in Kandahar town, also in the volatile south, security officials said.

The U.S. military said one of its soldiers was killed in the attack by a "significant" insurgent force on a forward operating base. A Canadian military spokeswoman said one Canadian was killed and three wounded, though not seriously. "Coalition forces employed a variety of combined arms to include close air support and are believed to have killed at least a dozen enemy insurgents," the U.S. military said in a statement. One Afghan soldier was wounded, it said. Twelve U.S. troops have been killed in fighting this year. Nearly 60 Americans were killed in Afghan fighting last year, the worst for U.S. forces since they invaded in 2001 to oust the Taliban.

The Taliban vowed more violence saying their spring offensive had begun. "The weather is warming and Taliban attacks on coalition and Afghan forces have begun," Taliban spokesman Mullah Mohammad Hanif said by telephone from an undisclosed location. Fighting usually picks up in the Afghan spring when snow blocking mountain passes melts.

Despite the rising level of violence, the United States is hoping to trim its force of more than 18,000 troops in Afghanistan by several thousand, while NATO partners, including Britain, Canada and the Netherlands are sending about 6,000 more. British troops are based in Helmand but a spokesman for the force said he had no information about Wednesday's fighting.

UPDATE: KANDAHAR - US-led troops killed 20 more Taleban in south Afghanistan on Wednesday, after an attack on a military base in which 12 rebels and a US and a Canadian soldier died, the coalition said. Coalition forces also destroyed two headquarters of Taleban insurgents containing weapons and bomb-making material during several hours of fighting in Helmand province, a statement said.

“The 20 enemy casualties were in addition to 12 enemy casualties previously reported as part of an early-morning engagement that continued into daylight hours as coalition forces defeated a large enemy element that was attempting to retreat into sanctuaries,” the statement said.
Posted by:tipper

#30  the dog has higher worth
Posted by: Frank G   2006-03-29 21:05  

#29  This guy posts pics of our boys in Afghanistan:

I don't have any more information on KIA, but my buddy says that DoD usually under reports those numbers. Anyway, my buddy told me story about this dog (a picture of her is on that website). This dog is like a mascot at this camp and a couple of weeks ago the taliban mortored the place and the dog got wounded. Apparantly about a dozen Tali's got pretty close. Well anyway some of our boys located them and shot them to hell. He didn't know how many there were, guestimates a dozen. Anyway, they tagged about 6-8 of them. He also said that some of them were so shot up that they were missing limbs. Don't mess with the dog.
Posted by: Crater Unerelet3613   2006-03-29 20:24  

#28  Where is .com?
Posted by: Whiskey Mike   2006-03-29 20:11  

#27  Ima hate to be picky, but that Snarkie should be quad left to grab the eye.
Posted by: 6   2006-03-29 19:31  

#26   I will counsel myself accordingly later.

Please do so with a Pabst longneck. You deserve it, friend. Thank you for all of the forward observation. Good hunting.
Posted by: Zenster   2006-03-29 19:19  

#25  aww crap - I meant "syrian" border. I fat fingered it again. I will counsel myself accordingly later.
Posted by: Broadhead6   2006-03-29 18:45  

#24  Especially for us Preoccupied People. We're busy.
Posted by: Jackal   2006-03-29 18:45  

#23  RW,

enemy KIA's just during one part of OP STEEL CURTAIN near Sedat (syrina border) last Nov - at least 200. There were a lot of body parts so I guess it was hard to get a real accurate count. I hope this cheers up your smoke eating brethren.
Posted by: Broadhead6   2006-03-29 18:41  

#22  "Occuped peoples"? Sounds serious...
Posted by: tu3031   2006-03-29 18:40  

#21  HTT appears to be one of those who fled to Canada to avoid the Black Helicopters

HTT is posting from a Springfield IL addy. Guess they don't do sarcasm well there.

Meanwhile our initial troll posted from Canuckistan. Explains the 'Chechnya' reference.
Posted by: Pappy   2006-03-29 18:30  

#20  HTT, don't forget the /sarcasm tag. Otherwise folks will think you a slobbering lunatic posting nonsense like that. Here, let me demonstrate ...

Posted by: kirk   2006-03-29 18:00  

#19  Crater, glad to here your buddy is giving out some good info. I'm in fire service and lost alot of friends/brothers on 9/11. The biggest gripe at the house is we have no idea if we are paying back these mf's for the big whole in Manhatten and 3,000 dead. Any word on enemy casualties? I need something for these guys to grab onto. Enemy kia in either Iraq or Afganistan?

Thanks, Brian
Posted by: Rightwing   2006-03-29 17:11  

#18  End the USRaeli war on peace.

*laughs* Er...yeah! Cuz we all know how "peaceful" the Middle East would be left to its own devices!
Posted by: Crusader   2006-03-29 16:17  

#17  Dear Honest Truth Testifyer,

If you really believe that you get the truth from reading Noam Chompsky, I have a great deal on some Enron stock for you.
Posted by: usmc6743   2006-03-29 16:14  

#16  Honest Truth Testifyer - You read Chomsky?

You poor demented bastard!
Posted by: 3dc   2006-03-29 16:13  

#15  HTT appears to be one of those who fled to Canada to avoid the Black Helicopters
Posted by: Steve   2006-03-29 16:12  

#14  The Bush Crime Family do NOT want to win the wars. They want troops in Muslim countries to convert occuped peoples to christianity. They also want the oil companies to rule. if you want to know where I get the truth: I read Noam Chomsky. End the USRaeli war on peace.
Posted by: Honest Truth Testifyer   2006-03-29 15:59  

#13  Give the troll credit. At least he/she/it picked some other place than Vietnam. Vietnam is SO 2004....
Posted by: Desert Blondie   2006-03-29 14:58  

#12  No...It's Viet-nya. (what a maroon). Another LLL-pussy who has never served a day in the military writing from his laptop hiding behind his Mommy's skirt.

Have her wipe your nose and your little behind.
Posted by: anymouse   2006-03-29 12:56  

#11  What? Cancun was booked? The Tali are dying to be offensive this spring.
Posted by: Captain America   2006-03-29 12:25  

#10  More targets for Our Boys? Happy hunting! (I won't bother to say, "Stay safe," since he certainly doesn't need good advice from me... and he's/they've already got my prayers, for what that's worth.) Very good news, Crater Unerelet3613 -- soonest started, soonest ended for the bad guys.
Posted by: trailing wife   2006-03-29 12:21  

#9  Per my buddy, theres a lot more left. He says the Fit is going to hit the shan this spring/summer. Its gutcheck time.

Side note, there is another battle going on right now at another FOB, but he has no info other than bullets are still flying.
Posted by: Crater Unerelet3613   2006-03-29 12:03  

#8  he says at least 50-60 talibanies whacked

First week of the new spring offensive, and they've already lost 10% of the new trainees? At this rate that Mullah is going to have to cross the border his very own self pretty soon. Well done, gentlemen!
Posted by: trailing wife   2006-03-29 11:55  

#7  Talking to my SOF buddy now who was in this battle, he says at least 50-60 talibanies whacked. He says all enemy casualtie are always underestimated.
Posted by: Crater Unerelet3613   2006-03-29 11:51  

#6  OK, let's see if I get the latest chain:

Iraq was going to be the next Vietnam.

Then Afghanistan wasn't going to be another Iraq, it was going to be the next Vietnam.

Then it was "Iraq won't be another Afghanistan", it was going to be the next Vietnam.

Now, Afghanistan's going to be the next Chechnya?
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2006-03-29 07:13  

#5  Chechnya? No wait ... I thought it was Vietnam. Oh the Humanity! We're in for it now folks! The new new quagmire! The vaunted Taliban "spring offensive." Can't wait to see all those 'antiwar' protesters ... again.
Posted by: Happy 88mm   2006-03-29 06:54  

#4  Dang, it's either the Brutal Afghan Winter(tm), or the Spring Offensive(tm)... what a country... I wonder what's due to happen in the summer and fall.

As for Chechnya, well... Chechnya is an another front where the jihadis got and get their *ss throughouly kicked by a yet out-of-shape russian army (and where the locals suffer way more than in Iraq or Afghanistan, if only through the brutality and corruption of the occupiers); how did this turn into a victory for the Lions Of Islam, I don't know.
Posted by: anonymous5089   2006-03-29 06:00  

#3  roflmao - new chechnya - oh thats just the best one i've heard yet. Whole divisions destroyed, the cities turned to rubble, the sky red with fire, Quagmire!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for providing me such such a good laugh 12234, really thankyou - cheered me up a great deal on this cold morning. Please can you share more of your wisdom with us, we need more 'know nothing armchair generals' like yourself to provide our amusement here at Rantburg.
Posted by: ShepUK   2006-03-29 05:59  

#2  Dear fuckwad, you forgot to mention the word 'quagmire'
Posted by: Howard UK   2006-03-29 03:55  

#1  Welcome to the new Chechnya

Posted by: 12234   2006-03-29 03:26  
