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2 more RAB battalions likely to start operation next month
Two more new battalions of the anti-crime Rapid Action Battalion are likely to start operation next month, a home ministry official said. The decision to form the new two battalions was taken at a home ministry meeting in August last year, the official told the news agency on Monday. A total of 10 RAB battalions are now carrying out their operations and their operation areas will be redistributed when the two new battalions (RAB-11 and RAB-12) join their duties. According to the sources, the main office of RAB-11 will be in Narayanganj and its operational areas will include Munshiganj, Gazipur, Manikganj and Dhaka, while the office of RAB-12 will be in Sirajganj and its operational areas will include Bogra, Pabna, Sherpur, Jamalpur, Tangail and Kushtia.
We love you R-A-B
Oh yes we do
We love you R-A-B
And we'll be true
When you're not busting heads
We're blue!
Oh R-A-B we love you
Posted by:Seafarious

#9  I've just tried explaining the romantic aspects of the RAB to my wife, but one has to EXPERIENCE these singular press releases to appreciate the role these distinctive units play in the War on Terror.

One day, my Grandkids will be slogging through some tome on the war on terror as yet unwritten, and I will reminisce when they get to the Chapter on the R-A-B.
Posted by: Ptah   2006-03-29 21:28  

#8  Well, as long as it's a round of "bullet" and not the whole cartridge they can keep costs down considerably.
Posted by: Phil   2006-03-29 14:16  

#7  Guns they got; I am more concerned about how the loan program for the 'round of bullet' will work
Posted by: USN, ret.   2006-03-29 14:09  

#6  I'm hoping the new battalions have new scripts.
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2006-03-29 13:58  

#5  Crack open the Lee Enfields..
Posted by: Howard UK   2006-03-29 13:13  

#4  Don't worry, Steve. I hear they're instituting an inter-RAB shutter gun loan system.
Posted by: mojo   2006-03-29 12:38  

#3  Gonna need a Page 5
Posted by: 6   2006-03-29 11:47  

#2  But are there enough shutter guns to go around?
Posted by: Steve   2006-03-29 08:05  

#1  If they add enough more battalions, they will have to rename it the Rapid Action Division. That would be so RAD.
Posted by: Jackal   2006-03-29 07:51  
