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Charges to be framed against Sunny April 18
A Dhaka court yesterday set April 18 for hearing on the charge-framing against the military commander of Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) Ataur Rahman Sunny and four others in two cases. Judge Mohammad Momin Ullah of the Metropolitan Sessions Judge's Court directed the authorities concerned to produce Sunny and four others before it during the hearing of the cases. The two cases were filed with Sabujbagh Police Station, one under Arms Act and the other under Explosive Substances Act, against Sunny and six others on December 14 last year.

On March 14, Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) pressed charges against Sunny and four others. The other accused are Sunny's friend Fariduzzaman Swapan, JMB regional commander of Gazipur Enayet Ullah (Jewel), Kamrul (Sumon, also known as Zahidul) and Alamgir (Bijoy). Sumon and Alamgir are absconding while the others are now in custody. Rab dropped the names of Monir and Abul Khair, landlords of Sunny, from the charge sheet, as evidence leading to their involvement with JMB was inconclusive.
Posted by:Fred
