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Quizzing of Bangla Bhai, Abdur Rahman continues
Members of the special taskforce for interrogation (TFI) cell yesterday started quizzing arrested JMB chief Shaikh Abdur Rahman and his second in command Siddiqul Islam alias Bangla Bhai. The TFI members discontinued interrogation them on March 26 on account of Independence Day and were served special food on the special day, sources said.
"Happy Independence Day, boys! Too bad you're stuck here in Bangla's Bedbug Bonanza. Would you each like another cup of giggle juice?"
"Yessh, pleeesh."
Both Shaikh and Bangla Bhai gave very little information to the TFI members, sources said and added, the TFI members yesterday interrogated them twice. According to sources, Bangla Bhai was more arrogant than Shaikh Abdur Rahman during interrogation by TFI cell. Bangla Bhai had disclosed some names and asked the TFI members to interrogate those persons, and said “You (TFI) will get more information from them about militancy.” They had disclosed some important clues during their first phase of remand, but now they have become tight-lipped, sources said. Following their confessional statements, the members of the special taskforce for interrogation (TFI) cell were now busy trying to round up the financers of the militant network, sources said.
Got the Head Cheese and the Hard Boy, now they need the money men.
Arrested top leaders of JMB Shaikh, Bangla Bhai, Sunny, Awal and Jewell have given some important clues to the TFI members about the militancy activities and their patrons. According to sources, Bangla Bhai had started his militant activities creating anarchy under the banner of JMJB and killed many people calling them the members of the outlawed political parties. After establishing the JMJB, he started recruitment of members of his party from among the outlawed Sarbahara men through motivation.
He made his mother very proud.
Shaikh has already admitted to his involvement in militant activities and serial bomb blasts across the country in August 17. He also disclosed his militant network, their patrons and sources of fund, arms and explosives, sources said. The JMB kingpin, along with his associates and family members, was captured from a hideout at Tilagarh area in Sylhet town on March 2.
Posted by:Seafarious

#2   I wonder when they're taking their midnight "rides"?
These people are too important for that. They'll have a show trial, be sentenced to life in prison, and either die under mysterious circumstances, or be released in ten, twelve years max - depending on who's in power at the time.
Posted by: Old Patriot   2006-03-29 15:07  

#1  I wonder when they're taking their midnight "rides"?
Posted by: tu3031   2006-03-29 12:58  
