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BB asks banks to report on militants' accounts
Bangladesh Bank (BB) has sent a list of 68 militants to all the commercial banks to find if they have any bank accounts, sources said. The central bank asked the banks to report within April 6 all sorts of transactions in detail if any bank account is found in their names. Sources in the BB said the list, which was sent early this week, bears the addresses of some of the arrested and suspected militants. The central bank gathered the names and addresses from newspaper reports.

The list includes names of banned militant outfit Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) chief Abdur Rahman, his second-in-command Siddiqul Islam Bangla Bhai, Ataur Rahman Sunny, Abdul Awal, Obaidur Rahman, Shakil alias Mollah Omar and Hridoy Chowdhury. High officials of a number of banks however pointed out that it will be very difficult to find out if there is any bank account in the name of any militant as the BB could not provide addresses against all the names.
Posted by:Fred
