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Bombers killed in Afghanistan suicide attack
Two suspected Taliban were killed as they failed to detonate explosive devices strapped to their bodies at a set target in the southern Afghanistan Tuesday morning. The two people, officials say, exploded the bombs as soon as police signaled them to stop. Kandahar governor Asadullah Khalid told journalists the bombs went off killing the two alleged terrorists. He said police and civilians remained safe in the failed attack. Taliban did not issue any comment on the explosion.
Posted by:Fred

#3  educationally subnormal.

Spending one's entire youth memorizing books in a language one doesn't understand, while in realistic fear of being physically and sexually abused, is not training conducive to rational thinking. The poor dears can't help what they've been made into... but rabid dogs don't hold a candle to the danger they've become.
Posted by: trailing wife   2006-03-29 08:08  

#2  Looks again like the recent Taleban recruitment drive has drawn strongly from the ranks of the criminally insane and educationally subnormal.

Posted by: Howard UK   2006-03-29 04:34  

#1  The two people, officials say, exploded the bombs as soon as police signaled them to stop

seriously how Duh can you be!
Posted by: RD   2006-03-29 01:15  
